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Outback/bush internet and TV systems

Prospecting Australia

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Re VAST dishes - The Optus C1 satellite is somewhere above E Timor on an equatorial geosynced orbit. So the transmission "beam" at say Cape York is narrow, so you need a larger dish to catch the signal. For most of Central and Southern Australia a good size is the 75 to 80cm dish. When you get down to the south of W.A. the signal divergence is greatest and the dish size can go as low as 35-40cm and collect the signal just as well.

It also stands to reason that the nearer the satellite, the less obstruction is tolerated. I've had partial tree branches in the approximate line of sight and still got the signal in Mt Gambier as the signal was broad enough to receive. On the down side, I've also had pixilation when really cloudy and raining hard.

My first tripod dish actually came with 2 dish brackets as once in QLD the usual one would not allow enough elevation.
Hi All,
What are you guys and gals using to convert DVDs so you can put them on a USB stick or external hard drive. Do you have to rip them first, if so can you recommend software that will do the job? Do you use WinX or something similar?

Best regards


We use a VAST system in W.A. its a bit bulky but light.
I use DVD Shrink, so far 100% success. I copies the DVD files but does not convert them to a different format. For that you need something like Wondershare Video converter or Ultra Video Converter. They will change format to .AVI, or MP$ among others.
I use one called ANY Video Convertor . There heaps of programs out there and this one is working for me for now. Others i have used were good for awhile and then played up on me ,so i ended up with this one.
As a matter of interest, what is the codec on a DVD and what should one be recording to on a USB or hard drive so that you can view on a TV? One sees comments about AVI, MP3 though I think that's sound only, MP4 and there's probably heaps of others, or should one simply copy across as is, also what gives the menu structure or is that automatically there?
I bought an 85cm dish on a tripod off Gumtree for $50, the guy was selling it as not working.....I turned the LNB around the right way.....and It worked, my $200 SatKing system works great anywhere in Aus, I registered as a traveller with VAST and get channels from all over the country. I store my dish under the bed when on the move, it fits perfectly.
Theres no ongoing costs or card swapping needed, just tap the renew my certificate link on the My VAST website every 6 months.

It's cheap and it works on 12v
With you on this one, Vast is simple online renewal every 6 months. (Free)
Before the first trip after long summer break we set up the 12V - TV/Vast system at home and ensure it is working. If not, leave the system powered up and contact Vast giving them your card number and they remotely give the system a hit and you're on your way.
We also have a recording device plugged into TV via USB port. Because we go to bed with the chooks, after a long day we record programs through the night to watch in the evening next day.
Do you plug your recording device into the VAST receiver to record off VAST? I might give this a go as we are out most of the day and our system has an option it add a recording usb stick.....hmmm, thanks for the idea. :Y:
Gpx5000 said:
Do you plug your recording device into the VAST receiver to record off VAST? I might give this a go as we are out most of the day and our system has an option it add a recording usb stick.....hmmm, thanks for the idea. :Y:

That's a roger, roger Gpx5000. I'll take a peek at name and model and report back.
Gpx5000 said:
Do you plug your recording device into the VAST receiver to record off VAST? I might give this a go as we are out most of the day and our system has an option it add a recording usb stick.....hmmm, thanks for the idea. :Y:

Make sure before you go away that your USB stick works. Most TVs, VAST etc nowadays can record, but you need to make sure the stick is formatted to FAT32. NTFS the Windows file format, won't work on most TVs or VAST boxes. ExFAT might work.

I have a 64GB stick I use for movies and it doubles as recording storage. I got caught the first time I tried to use it, fortunately I had the laptop to reformat it.

I'm heading out in a couple of weeks, so a couple of days before I go, I'll fire up the VAST at home to make sure it's working.
Ded Driver said:
my tv .... the night sky, or the camp fire (when allowed)
my sound system ..... creatures of the night, or my drunken mates :playful:
mmmm, might have to catchup with technology one day :argh:

Theres nothing like a nature light show, but when an early night calls, falling asleep with sleep timer on works a treat.
I love a fire, but if it's raining, mrs5000's snores drives me mad, something on sleep timer to drown out the noise seems to work, saves digging a big hole for her body :lol: :lol:
Jaros said:
My wife snores like a V8 on the start line at Bathurst. She won't believe it no matter what I say-will have to record her on the phone. :(

Had the same issue :) I did record her many years ago ...... WRONG !! She now believes me, but when I played it back to her "Not happy Jan"

I wear earplugs to bed :)