Last November I went to my Bothers Wedding at Wauchope. :heart:
Drive from Tathra straight up the coast takes around 9 hours or so.
Decided to go straight through the guts of Sydney via the Harbor Tunnel. :Y: :Y:
Bad mistake. I should have gone via Canberra, Goulburn etc. :awful:
Was going OK but then hit peak hour traffic and found out that Sydney Drivers
especially BMW drivers tended to ignore a 4x4 even though it has a bloody
big black bullbar. ]
Until they copped the full force of lights square in their mirrors. Had one bloke
cack himself laughing when I pulled that stunt once. He was driving a Hyundia
that looked like one of Mad Max's cars. :8
Got out of Sydney after 2 1/2 hours of sheer terror. Was almost going to put her
in full time just to scare the crap out of em as the tires squeal like all get out on
hot bitumen. (Yes, The one I have can be driven like that)
Went to the wedding after a bit of tooing and froing and enjoyed the time immensely.
Was going to go see Goody further up the coast but fires were getting a bit out of hand
so, After studying maps and such, Decided to barrel out back to Newcastle then through
to Dubbo to see another friend. Besides, I had never been there. :rainbow:
Got down to Newcastle and that is where the fun started. Oh crap, I think that was the
turn off that just went past. Pulled over about 5 clicks down the road and with trembling
hands and abated breath, Put the phone in GPS mode. :awful:
I realized after about 1/2 an hour, This was not a good thing in peak hour traffic.

Gee I hate City Traffic. No room to move or make lightning fast maneuvers. Grrrr :bomb:
People were just about to get used to a 4x4 in full mode climbing around in the
dividers between both Lanes. Handy trick when no one is about and used quite commonly
out in the bush. strange that no one else thinks that way in City's. O
Maps were out of date on the bloody phone and a lot had changed.
Finally used my superior sense of direction heading for Singleton but the bloody phone in it's
limited capacity, Put me through a bloody back street when I decided to try and trust it again. :fire:
I was temporarily unsure of my position. :8
That tore it. Howling down the free way an hour later, I spotted a SuperCheap and Repco
store. In I went.
One store only had an over priced basic Tom Tom. Nope.
Other store had a Navman Combo at a decent price so, After spending 3/4 of an hour going
through the quick start guide away I went. :Y: :Y:
I was back on track within 5 minutes and gunning for Dubbo. It started to get dark so on came
the light bars etc. Then it started to rain. :cloudy:
It was then I found out that the light bar was about as good as a candle in the wind. Tried
different angles and such. Nope. Grrrrr The lights on the Prado are about as useless as well. :awful:
One thing I must point out. A truck stop in a small town has the best fresh Sammidges I have ever
had. Back on the road but the rain situation was heavy. Slipping and sliding around I was getting
very nervous. One trucky I let past had a bit of a chuckle over the radio about my antics.
Bloody nice bloke and we spoke for about 1/2 an hour on the radio before I lost him.
Finally arrived in Dubbo a nervous wreck , Eye strained and was happy as an ice skater in a skating rink.
Next morning straight down to Super Cheap and bought a friggen decent set of Led Spotties that
would make any 4x4 owner proud. They burn the eye's out of a Roo at 100 yards with ease. :inlove:
Stayed put for 3 days then hit the road for home. Was going to stop in at Young to say Hello to a few
Copper Mates but, I had a long way to go and a short time to get there.
Did not use the GPS or the New Spotties on the way home. I finally had a really good run arriving home
in the late evening just before dark. :Y: :Y:
2 days later, Went and bought a rather expensive phone. Dropped it the next day cracking the screen. 8.(
Moral to the story,
New GPS, $650.00. Have not used it since apart from the dash cam.Don't need it in the bush.
New Spotties, $250.00
New Phone, $450.00 ( New Screen $180.00. Not fitted yet but I will get around to it. Soon)
Did I enjoy myself,
You Bet I did.


