Ded Driver said:
RM Outback said:
Ded Driver said:
Once we used to have Valiant Dandruff to pull the psss out of, then came Bloody Volvo Drivers, now its Jeep Drivers who have to wear the sledging

Nothing wrong with the old Wog box

had a VG wagon and VJ sedan. Brother had VC sedan with a bit of work done to it, that was a seriously fun car luckily for him he worked for Bridgestone at the time

s'all good RMO, I died in a 7'2 VH Charger, & I have a '77 CL 770 Charger in my shed. Im a bit of a Valery/Dodge/Plymouth fan
I built up a VG Valiant and fitted all the Pacer parts and the engine from a Race car and with a few mods it was lethal, It use to pick up the left hand front wheel when you give the full beans, it was extremely fast and having a 3 speed it could break the speed limit in first gear, Oh I loved that thing, the body design was the American Dodge Dart that came out with 245, 265, 6's and the 273, 318, 340, 383 Magnum and 426 and the 440 V8's, :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: