New golden triangle

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Dec 1, 2014
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Hi just was up around tarnagulla yesterday but found nothing want to know ppl thoughts on this new golden triangle. Swan Hill Hamilton Shepparton has anyone been up around there and if so where can you prospect they believe there's 70 million ounce around. I want try my luck up there next weekend if anyone has any info to the truth.
I read this article or a version of it. Plenty of virgin ground if you want to go deep enough... Sadly thanks to our forefathers the easy stuff on top had been well worked and showed us it was possible to mine. All to often I hear of people bitten by the bug and yet you can't escape the fact that no matter which way you look at it time needs to put in to consistently find it. Every known area will give up something. Or you could get lucky, the luckiest guys I know though are generally the hardest workers. They cover more ground, dig more dirt, read more books, talk to more prospectors and spend more time understanding their equipment. :cool:
I know the main gold deposits in the region that are being assessed by miners are very deep. I think the gold bearing rock extends north through to the NSW border, however it is at considerable depth, covered by non gold bearing rock or mantled by deep sediments.RDD. :)
If we are able to prospect around these new areas you never know there must be crown land somewhere up there or state forest. So if we have our minors right means we can prospect so we just have to find a new state park.
lucky streak said:
Hi just was up around tarnagulla yesterday but found nothing want to know ppl thoughts on this new golden triangle. Swan Hill Hamilton Shepparton

That's a fair dinkum area mate.
Yeah I read that article a while back. I've been through that area with eyes peeled and it's buried in sand and clay from what I've seen so the exposed mineralized nugget rich ground you see throughout the triangle is deeper than a metal detector will go. That's only what I've seen though and it aint much for an area so large. Perhaps there are areas where the ground is shallow enough to detect.
If there are rich deposits....patches, pockets, lodes in reef etc they will be shedding and have done so for many years.

Now how much depends upon the friable nature of the deposit of course....softer gold bearing horneblend like Schist or the likes, will shed more than a hard quartz reef will.

The steeper the rise to the brow, the more narrow and concentrated the downhill run of course gold will likely be.

Check the steep slopes where the ground cover is shallower because of constant rain and wind moving the soils, and likely the course gold with it.

Look for places that trap the shed on the way down ie flats halfway down before the deeper gullies, large rock croppings along the slopes, thick vegatation etc.

Look for evidence of 'slides' on steeper slopes. Evidence of what is known as a 'slide' is a mark or floor resulting from friction caused by a moving mass on a lower surface area. Something is nearly always visible to show it and concentrate any efforts there.

Look for areas of pressure, red bars that are boat shaped etc that run across the hill.

A lot of people generalize an area no matter where it may be.....only the keen eye who reads the ground and vegetation within rather than a map, will prosper most.

Just my opinion ;)

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