Riding along a main street(2 lanes going my way) on a kwaka z650 and all of a sudden little miss old lady flies out from an angled in road,.. ok so I move across to the right lane to let her in(it'll be all right), but noooo, of coarse she decides that she is going strait across two lanes to exit over the other side,... no amount of mooving over was going to cut it for me, and she just kept coming, side swiping me, bike is up against her car being dragged along,...B#@%ch wouldn't stop,... dragged me across two lanes of traffick going in the opposite direction on the other side of the traffick island and a further 20 metres before she veered left off the road, which released the bike from the car,... all through this the bike is flinging around against the side of her car going from upright to sideways to anywhich way,... there was only one constant throughout the whole ordeal for me,...my left little finger was trapped between the car and the handlebar,... and that handlebar never shifted from holding that little pinky against that car all the way until she veered to the left,.... all I can say is that I was lucky to have great balance from being a roller scater from an early age as I rode that bucking, seething peice of machinery on two feet with that little finger still stuck, and the moment it released I was off that bike and running down the street to a trotting stop, didn't fall or tumble and the only sore bit of me was that little pinky,....and then,... she has the audacity to say it was my fault,...humpf,.... luckily a fellow stops and gives me his details and tells her that he saw the whole thing happen from directly behind us and that it was definatly all her fault. Funny how we can go from normal everyday life to calamitous life threatening sceenarios that we are lucky to be able to walk away from within seconds,... that one seemed like it was going to be ok for me but just went so horribly wrong so very fast.