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Jun 21, 2015
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Had my first feed of mushys tonight , what a treat , always look forward to this time of year. Must note that there the ridgy digs ones not the other ones that some people take . Kids love getting out and collecting them too. Word of warning though if you don't know what to look for dont collect them, they can and do kill people . Been doing it for 30 years and still look forward to it every year
My dad used to stop our Kombi van in the late 60 and 70's at farm gate around victoria on our holidays and get big bag of huge fresh mushrooms for $1 to $2
Yep, got a few myself on the weekend in the Adelaide hills. The old man used to call them horse mushrooms, big fleshy things maybe 6" across and maybe 1-1.5" thick.
Huge meaty mushroom flavour and nothing like those styrofoam balls that you find in the veg section of Woolies etc.
Fried whole in butter and served on a piece of toast with a little black pepper.
The breakfast of champions!
I wouldn't go off photos cause some of the really nasty ones look like the good ones. Unless you have an expirenced person show you I wouldn't risk it.
This brings back many happy memories when the whole family went out for the day and collected the new season mushrooms.
A little fresh butter mum made and they were fried in a pan and then placed on fresh baked bread........
Those were the days.
Nightjar said:
This brings back many happy memories when the whole family went out for the day and collected the new season mushrooms.
A little fresh butter mum made and they were fried in a pan and then placed on fresh baked bread........
Those were the days.
Mmmmm yes the best way to have em
DrDuck said:
I love the orange pine mushrooms that the Poles go crazy about. Easy to recognise once you have been shown them.
Never knew about them till a couple of years ago. I think there ok , a bit different but to me I'd still rather the ones we get in the paddocks.
I used to take the salt with me into the field, yum (35 years ago), now they just get cooked very lightly in butter. :p
Bigjilm said:
Does anyone have any pics of the ones you can eat,easyrollin???
Just do a google search. Plenty of pics there.
You can usually find then in cow/horse paddocks at this time of year growing in the open in clumps or in circles, pretty easy to spot. Ive found them growing in deep leaf litter or pine needles somtimes too.
They're the typical white mushroom shape, stalks can be quite thick if the mushrooms are large, pinky browm gills when young turning dark brown after a couple of days. Strong earthy mushroon smell, not chemical like. They don't stain yellow when touched or broken, don't eat the yellow stainers that can look similar. Yellow stainers have an odd chemical smell to them too and stainers have a more rounded shape to them then field mushrooms which tend to be flatter.
If in doubt, don't eat!
The only way to 100% tell safe wild mushrooms from deadly ones is generally with a spore print and a microscope, even then only trained Mycologists should do it.

I'm not telling people what to do but you're risking your health everytime you go wild mushroom picking. Death Cap mushrooms have a pretty insideous poison in them that detroys your liver, they make you slightly crook for a few days and then recover, several days later your liver shuts down and you will die, sometimes a liver transplant can work but not often.

Anyway if you're experienced at doing this fair enough but anyone who is not experienced should not eat mushies you've picked.

I love mushies too but I'm not experienced enough to pick wild ones.

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