One foot out the door
The following was 'borrowed' from a detecting Facebook page, it relates to a letter/memo from Rita Bentley, President of the PMAV. The worrying part has been highlighted BUT as mentioned here and in Ron's forum post nothing is legislated as yet (so assume there is some hope it may not pass legislation)..
The solution, who knows ... but membership of the PMAV may be a partial step in the right direction. That being said I'm not a member (yet) and don't really know too much about them. Having been associated with various fishing committees making recommendations to Gov't departments (back in the Kirner days) I know how difficult their task can be, their biggest asset is probably member numbers.
Reference has been made in some circles about 'stupid' greenies, such emotive comments show nothing but apathy, the 'greenies' are well organised, have heaps of members AND, because of their numbers and vocal protests GET LISTENED TO BY GOV'T. Stupid? I doubt it very much, people are incorrectly relating stupid to a view that's contrary to their own.
Sorry about the rant, got back into prospecting to get away from such *****, may take the easy way out and just join the PMAV.
Regards Tom
The Liberal/National Coalition Government has decided to support the recommendations of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council in regards to Prospecting in Parks.
This means that they plan to allow us into three additional parks, the Alpine National Park, the Eildon National Park and the Lerderderg State Park.
BUT! There are only miniscule areas within these parks where we are to be permitted. A total of 20,000 hectares of additional ground. Most of which is not in known goldfields or anywhere near waterways. Most are also accessed by difficult 4WD tracks that are closed much of the year.
Unfortunately the news gets worse. Sluicing is not going to be permitted in these areas and this prohibition of sluicing is to be extended to those parks where it is permitted now.
This is a very disappointing result.
BUT! Nothing has changed yet. The legislation to make these changes has to pass through the Victorian Parliament. There is a long list of legislation waiting to be debated, it is unlikely the legislative amendments will make it through before the State Election in November (or earlier depending on what happens with Geoff Shaw).
The PMAV is working on a detailed strategy on what members can do. In the meantime if you should come across your local MP, you could tell them you are very unhappy with this result and that it might just change your vote!
We will be in touch with members as soon as possible. We have one shot at this, so we need to plan our response carefully. If you are hearing / reading this and not a PMAV member; we need you now more than ever!
Please discuss this at branch and forum level and if anyone has any bright ideas please share them.
Sorry, but I am very busy in my paid job so if you are going to contact me directly please do so via email.
Rita Bentley, PMAV President
The solution, who knows ... but membership of the PMAV may be a partial step in the right direction. That being said I'm not a member (yet) and don't really know too much about them. Having been associated with various fishing committees making recommendations to Gov't departments (back in the Kirner days) I know how difficult their task can be, their biggest asset is probably member numbers.
Reference has been made in some circles about 'stupid' greenies, such emotive comments show nothing but apathy, the 'greenies' are well organised, have heaps of members AND, because of their numbers and vocal protests GET LISTENED TO BY GOV'T. Stupid? I doubt it very much, people are incorrectly relating stupid to a view that's contrary to their own.
Sorry about the rant, got back into prospecting to get away from such *****, may take the easy way out and just join the PMAV.
Regards Tom
The Liberal/National Coalition Government has decided to support the recommendations of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council in regards to Prospecting in Parks.
This means that they plan to allow us into three additional parks, the Alpine National Park, the Eildon National Park and the Lerderderg State Park.
BUT! There are only miniscule areas within these parks where we are to be permitted. A total of 20,000 hectares of additional ground. Most of which is not in known goldfields or anywhere near waterways. Most are also accessed by difficult 4WD tracks that are closed much of the year.
Unfortunately the news gets worse. Sluicing is not going to be permitted in these areas and this prohibition of sluicing is to be extended to those parks where it is permitted now.
This is a very disappointing result.
BUT! Nothing has changed yet. The legislation to make these changes has to pass through the Victorian Parliament. There is a long list of legislation waiting to be debated, it is unlikely the legislative amendments will make it through before the State Election in November (or earlier depending on what happens with Geoff Shaw).
The PMAV is working on a detailed strategy on what members can do. In the meantime if you should come across your local MP, you could tell them you are very unhappy with this result and that it might just change your vote!
We will be in touch with members as soon as possible. We have one shot at this, so we need to plan our response carefully. If you are hearing / reading this and not a PMAV member; we need you now more than ever!
Please discuss this at branch and forum level and if anyone has any bright ideas please share them.
Sorry, but I am very busy in my paid job so if you are going to contact me directly please do so via email.
Rita Bentley, PMAV President