Never the Same Place Twice.,????
Well that Theory went out the door.
Encyclopdia Britannica
Lightning never strikes the same place twice is a common phrase youve probably heard before, often used to reassure someone that whatever bad thing has happened, it wont happen again. It can even be used when something good happens, such as winning the lottery, but the underlying truth remains. What are the odds that something extremely unlikely, such as a lightning strike, will happen more than once? After all, a thunderstorm travels across an area. So after lightning strikes one place, its probably safe from another strike. In reality, lightning can and will strike the same place twice, whether it be during the same storm or even centuries later.
Then again it could be the Person your next to.
Roy Sullivan
Struck 8 Times.
He Probably took too much Mineral Supplement.
Then there`s these suckers:Lightning Balls.
And if that doesn`t get you.
A 256 gram piece of hail might which is around 100 grams heavier than a cricket ball.
Phone battery went flat just when you needed it.
Nothing was left on the trees .
The road looked like something out of Fantasy Land.
Totally green path covered in leaves.
If you were caught out walking your dog you would never have come home.