Miss_ Chester_Copperpot said:
Ramjet said:
silver said:
Here is a clue from your movie !
Forty pieces of eight
Lay on a dinner plate
Over a bucket of Florins
Round about the back gate
In rushes Rocket the pirate
No one has seen of them since.
I like it
Sorry Miss CC. The boys seem to have high jacked your topic with an ongoing joke re Rocketaroo not having found a florin yet.
ohhh thats ok. It's giving me a laugh
How long have you been searching for a florin rocketroo?
Few months, but many many hunts, and none have popped for me. Yet I have been so close, so many times, that Ramjet AKA Florin Finger, has scooped up many, and right before my eyes. I am cursed, and only the one true florin can break it

The gods did mock me, with a silly kiwi florin, but a florin without any silver, is just 20 cents.