Hi all,
Hope this works. The post, not the sluice! The finished sluice works a treat but I'm a bit uncertain about getting the pics up here. Anyway, here goes with No 1.
Uploaded an image and a long string of digits appeared on the screen. I'm assuming that's the picture which will come up when I post this. So I'll go ahead and describe it. Water recirculates from the black tub and back again. Sluice box is a zincalume channel, 4" wide by 36" long. Bunnings sell the fine ribbed rubber matting at $40 a metre, but they cut me a smaller bit 12" wide for $10. Got some spare if I need it! Mat is glued in. 12v bilge pump sitting on a little bracket fires water out of tub around to head of sluice. Plugged in to a regular jumpstarter it runs for hours! I have 2 ways of controlling the flow. The red inline volume control tap and an adjustable 'dam' , the bit running at an upward angle. The water stream hits the back of this and spreads out as it falls to the trough. The dam just pivots on a small nut and bolt, allowing me to raise or lower the level of the water coming into the channel. So by also adjusting the slope of the channel I can create any volume, speed, depth etc of the water down the channel. The aluminium bars across tub stops any spread when filled with water and the blue container catches every thing exiting the channel so nothing gets back to wear the pump out. All I need is some good paydirt to put through it! The entire thing, excluding the tub and the jumpstarter, cost me $42, some strange looks from my mate and a cut finger.
If this works, I'll show the suction thing I'll be using to get the paydirt. If I'm lucky!
Hope this works. The post, not the sluice! The finished sluice works a treat but I'm a bit uncertain about getting the pics up here. Anyway, here goes with No 1.

Uploaded an image and a long string of digits appeared on the screen. I'm assuming that's the picture which will come up when I post this. So I'll go ahead and describe it. Water recirculates from the black tub and back again. Sluice box is a zincalume channel, 4" wide by 36" long. Bunnings sell the fine ribbed rubber matting at $40 a metre, but they cut me a smaller bit 12" wide for $10. Got some spare if I need it! Mat is glued in. 12v bilge pump sitting on a little bracket fires water out of tub around to head of sluice. Plugged in to a regular jumpstarter it runs for hours! I have 2 ways of controlling the flow. The red inline volume control tap and an adjustable 'dam' , the bit running at an upward angle. The water stream hits the back of this and spreads out as it falls to the trough. The dam just pivots on a small nut and bolt, allowing me to raise or lower the level of the water coming into the channel. So by also adjusting the slope of the channel I can create any volume, speed, depth etc of the water down the channel. The aluminium bars across tub stops any spread when filled with water and the blue container catches every thing exiting the channel so nothing gets back to wear the pump out. All I need is some good paydirt to put through it! The entire thing, excluding the tub and the jumpstarter, cost me $42, some strange looks from my mate and a cut finger.
If this works, I'll show the suction thing I'll be using to get the paydirt. If I'm lucky!