E.E. Day and Sons also have some good second hand gear going at times. :Y:
Not true. Was at a trial of numerous versions and they were all the same. 5000s included. This had been said about all the PI's. Though there were some dog early SD 2100s that Minelab denied had issues. But apart from that they all went the same depth. Yes though some were a bit more flighty. The early 2200s were more flighty than the later ones. But went the same depth. Heaps of testing was done at cockatoo bush yrs ago in a wash out bank and I never saw anything better than another in my eyes. Some convinced themselves they had a superior machine but from what I saw thats all it was, they convinced themselves to be able to tell others they had something special others didnt. Personally I would prefer a less flighty machine for the obvious reasons.PeterInSa said:Had an early 4500 for years prior to the Z, a great machine, saw a comparison between the early and late, verdict at the time was the early model went deeper but slightly more noisy. Don't know how true.