Ive been using the gold monster now for 3 months its paid for its self 5 times over
When I first bought it I started flooding my skull with how to use vids on YouTube..while at first they were informative I was soon shocked to see that most vids on YouTube were far from the truth
The first week I followed what was published both by minelab and from fellow users

I was finding gold but was finding that I was missing much more.
I re visited old ground I had detected determined to persist ground noise and ground balancing
Running the Gold Monster full noise 10 sensitivity and all metal mode I was soon realising that all the vids I watched were very wrong
I was picking up gold everywhere..yes ground noise is fing annoying and non stop in highly mineralised ground but the reward has been unbelievable
Learning the sounds and tones given off by a clean gold target .things only got better..moving to the small coil and hitting trashy well flogged ground the gold monster just got that much better... after learning the sounds I was now set to persist the trash and score the goods
Do not believe the ferrous non ferrous (indicator) bar as this is only a guide for you to decide wether to dig or let be
I have dug many targets that have come up as full iron only to dig down 4 inches to see the indication change to full non ferrous resulting in gold
In a nutshell this machine is underused by many users and will continue to do so ( I have not ground balanced nor changed the sensitivity for months) turn it on hold in the air for 15 seconds set to full sensitivity all metal mode no auto ...start swinging
Hope this helps people .. see all my pics and vids on insta #shokkyslave
If anyone has any questions I will answer be happy to answer