Minelab Equinox Settings

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Has anyone had a chance to run it with the 15' coil? I was out today and I nulled out the 1-6 digits because they do not stop pinging if I'm running above 15 sensitivity. I'm getting kind of frustrated, I understand you can run a machine hot to get to deeper targets but I've hunted these beaches before and know there are more targets than its giving me. If you have to check every false signal you can't really cover any reasonable amount of ground. If I'm hunting with my sandshark I'm getting targets left and right. I turned off auto gb today and everytime I get a signal it will disappears when I check it again. I managed to get one repeatable signal which was a very shallow coin. Again this is with the 15'. I can't really find a video of someone else running theirs with the 15' in the water or the water at all really without headphones. Everyone is hunting in a couple inches of water but I go out waist deep and thats where these problems arise. I'm wondering if its reacting against the water above the coil thats giving all these issues, but I feel like I'd be able to find similar complaints online.

So far its a beast in the wet sand and punches super deep, and almost unusable in the water reminiscent of hunting with the at-pro at 3 sensitivity and 10-13 gb just to make it work without falsing constantly.
I ran my Nox 800 on Saturday waist deep in the ocean and I have just checked the settings and I also had to run sensitivity on 15 to get smooth operation on beach 1 and 2 using the 15". Out of the water It would go higher and be stable.
Thank you very much for your response. I wanted to be sure I wasn't running a defective unit, everyone's reviews seem to just say the machine is perfect, not a chirp of chatter. Coming from running a PI that means something else entirely and it was driving me nuts not being sure and feeling like I was wasting my time.

I wonder if in the future it will be possible to run the 15 at 20+ sensitivity, it makes me wonder if the gained depth is lost in the water if you want to run it stable at all.
The right gain setting is always the one which gives stable operation, one park I detect has highly mineralised clay and I can't run the Nox any higher than 11 at that site. Depth isn't everything and you'll actually get better depth without gain Rx saturation, so running too hot on any site is counter productive. When any detector starts falsing it makes it very hard to cover any amount of ground.
How loose is your coil cable, the Nox may be picking up the cable if not firmly wrapped on the shaft. The larger coil may also be prone to EMI if any mobile phone towers or power sources are nearby - used to have that problem with constant falsing at the beach with both PI and FBS detectors (even after noise cancel).
Well I got everything sorted out. I was detecting around a cell tower that was messing with my machine, and jumping to conclusions when I had to reduce sensitivity below what I was expecting with the larger coil in the water. It runs great in the water at other beaches, I just happened to be at two in a row with the same issue. Funny though, it handles being around powerlines just fine besides the odd eratic noises that typically just disappear with a fresh emi tune. Very happy with the machine after all.

Wanted to clarify as I really do like the nox.
Glad you got it sorted. In areas with bad emi, one thing that worked well for me with the CTX3030, and seems to also work fine on the Nox800 is to raise your coil, and slowly increase Sensitivity until EMI chatter comes through. Then manually go through the Noise Cancel channels and see if you can get it stable again. But Auto seems to do a pretty good job, and if it doesn't, you can just press it again.

When a coil is submersed in salt water, it kind of gets a double whammy as there is salty sand not only beneath the coil, but salty water above the coil as well. So it's like the coil is surrounded by a large conductive body.
Thanks for the tip, I'll try that out.

The 11 coil runs great in the water, I'm really happy with it. I want to figure out some sort of test where I can see where my effective depths are running the 15 in reduced sensitivity compared to the 11 running at a high sensitivity when hunting in saltwater. The 15 is great and I love it on the wetsand but it is harder to pinpoint and has alot more drag in the water. It would be nice to put my mind at easy knowing what types of depths I'm getting in comparison to each other.
I will give that a try next time I'm on the wet sand, that sounds much more effective. The pp on the nox isn't my favorite I've ever dealt with but it's a small price to pay when it handles the salt so well. Glad I mainly hunt the beach.
I only use the PP to check the size of the target.
Sweeping back using the tip of the coil is great. :Y: