Malara state forest NSW

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No reason why you couldn't.
Currently mostly open to fossicking (with a NSW State Forest fossicking permit) & has some historic alluvial gold within that area.

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Out of bounds man, sorry to say. It has huge gates locking this entire area had a mining cyanide spill in the early 90's. Pretty sure it's under a environmental control and rehabilitation act the area reads as open state Forrest but I can assure you it's out of bounds.
Check out groobernedjarrdine you tube video on this area about 4 months ago called exploring old mines, he explained this area and its history well. It's an area I just don't go to.
Check out groobernedjarrdine you tube video on this area about 4 months ago called exploring old mines, he explained this area and its history well. It's an area I just don't go to.
Read legal documents mine was knocked back two open cut mine s were going to use 700 tone of cyanide a year environmental hazard to rivers and wildlife rumours made up bye local s of cyanide in aria to keep people out but I check to see if you can fossick in there’s maybe heritage listed
Ok a lot of strange information on this thread.
I covered this area & the cyanide spill at Uni.
Here's some facts:
- Timbarra Gold Mine is outside of Malara State Forest. Any access into it would be locked as it's on private property bordering but not in Malara State Forest.
- the cyanide spills occurred after heavy rainfall from storage ponds. The cyanide extraction at the mine had ceased before that time & the cyanide levels were low.
- Timbarra Gold Mine was rehabilitated & subsequently closed by Barrick Gold.
- the area is well known for protesting mining in the area & use the above in their justification to stop mining in the area.
- there are no current leases or even exploration leases over Malara State Forest.
- there are no listed closures on the NSW State Forestry website or Minview. To double check contact the nearest NSW State Forestry office. The only restricted "No Fossicking" area is the mauve cross hatched area in the northern area of the forest shown above.
- there are a number of alluvial areas marked within the forest. I personally would be concentrating on these & would not be wasting time on borecase reports (generally far too deep for hobby fossicking/prospecting to provide any meaningful info for us).
- some quick research shows that large amounts of shallow alluvial gold was historically won in the area from the main streams & their tributaries.

Good luck if you decide to check it out. There's a few areas I would be keen to get to if I was in the area.
Read legal documents mine was knocked back two open cut mine s were going to use 700 tone of cyanide a year environmental hazard to rivers and wildlife rumours made up bye local s of cyanide in aria to keep people out but I check to see if you can fossick in there’s maybe heritage listed
Gold mine was going in there in 1997 150 meters deep hoping to get down there next school holiday s
Gold mine was going in there in 1997 150 meters deep hoping to get down there next school holiday s
Mate there are always mines going to open but don't eventuate for a number of reasons - mostly not financially viable. As said there is nothing active there ATM.
A 150m deep, proposed mine is of very little to no use to hobby fossickers/prospectors. That type of fossicking in existing mines is too dangerous for the majority & due to past arguments etc. on this forum would generally not be allowed here.
You'll do far better researching shallow alluvial areas down there.
You won't get in there, I have tried it's locked up tight and lots of cameras good luck your going to need it.
Malaria state forest is open how ever there is a log blocking track 2 km walk email from forestry corporation
Yes I got this confirmation from NSW Forestry this morning.
Malara SF is open however, I have been advised that there is a log blocking the track approximately 2km from the top.

There is no plan at this stage to remove the log so I’m not sure if this affects where you need to go.
This is awsome news, last time I went it was not passable past the gates, about 35kms up the acess road the mine sites are a long way in. Cheers for the update I'm going for a look.
Yes I got this confirmation from NSW Forestry this morning.
Did you get confirmation from Forrestry NSW on this?? I have tried to acess this Area 6 months ago and got only to the gates. I'm going in for a look this week, Just renewed my permit for a year if this area is open.
Just checking on post #2 and comment on post #8; "The only restricted "No Fossicking" area is the mauve cross hatched area in the northern area of the forest shown above". Your post was from Oct 23. My data from May 23 and updated recently doesn't show that area as "Fossicking Not Permitted" in MinView. Is there a different basis for 'No Fossicking' or maybe your dataset was a bit old?

(understanding many forests and closed now anyway - due to fires)
Was definitely a "No Fossicking" area when I posted that in October 23.
I only use Minview live on the website & don't store or use any data sets. Anything Minview I'm looking at or posting is current at the time to the date direct from their live website.
Must've been temporarily closed as it's no longer showing:
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Shows the importance of checking forest areas before each trip. They can change regularly due to a number of reasons.

The area further NE of there is showing as "No Fossicking"
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I believe that Malara is still closed altogether at the moment due to the bushfires.

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