Whisp said:
Flowerpot said:
Geez SW some damn close calls there. 8.(
Where can I buy some jelly, fire crackers aren't going to cut it !
Sadly jelly is no longer available in Australia

, it has been replaced by other forms of more short term stable gelatinous explosives. But that is not to say that an enterprising amateur chemist could not cook up something similar :Y:

. Any of the aluminium flash powders could be modified to go bang in a big way.
Growing up I remember Dad had a few boxes of Gelignite? and some Dynamite he kept up in an unused pig pen on the farm. I don't even know where it came from really, maybe it was just left on the property when we bought it. The det's were always locked up safe though. Gelly itself is pretty stable until it starts turning brown rather than more of a viscous olive oil consistency and it needs to be detonated rather than just ignited. They say Gelignite does not sweat, so maybe they were actually sticks of Blasting Gelatin because I know for sure nitroglycerin or nitroglycol would ooze from some of it and form crystals, I used to collect it for mischief.
Gelignite is sometimes called Blasting Gelatin, however Blasting Gelatin is either Nitroglycerin or Nitroglycol (92-94%) that is saturated with Guncotton with a weight strength of 100%. Very powerful.
Gelignite hovers around 65% weight strength with added Guncotton, Woodpulp, Potassium Nitrate.
I was always very curious that's for sure! I remember every now and then we would have the delight of clearing out some stumps or pesky granite outcrops if he decided to rip a new paddock for cropping.
When we sold the place a couple of gay guys from the city bought the property and had zero intention of cropping or grazing. So I remember Dad sold all the machinery etc and we emptied the sheds. We remembered the boxes of explosives so decided to detonate it all in one almighty explosion worthy of Mythbusters lol. I only wish we had smartphones back then to record the carnage!
I would not do it again in this day and age we live in and the penalties imposed for explosive shenanigans but I made Thermite one time.....and yes it was amazing

and no I will not disclose how, what, when or why!!