Long Range Locators (LRL's) / Detectors / Radars - Rangertell TG etc.

Prospecting Australia

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Horse said:
A metal detector that finds jewels... 8)


It also finds fish due to the small amounts of mercury metals that are in them.. Amazing StUfF ! ! OMG :p
I remember one of these with a small revolving dish on top of it with 2 antenna's back in the early ninety's.
I actually fell of the chair laughing.
something like $18,000.00 to buy it.
I might send him a message and offer him $5 for it just so I can get the carry case in the first picture.
So, apparently people are buying them. Heres a couple of the reviews
After seeing "After purchasing, pay instantly with your credit card through PayPal." right at the bottom on about 4 pages of bull!@#$t i would say it is a red hot scam. :cool:
At least with Paypal you can void the transaction as such if it turns out dodgey, like Ebay, they tend to favour the purchaser more often than not, if your lucky!

But if they take longer than 60 days to get the package too you..........You could be **** out of luck.....but then again, if your paying for something like this, you deserve to lose your coin. A fool and his money are soon parted...
what a bunch of tools, i demand to see a demonstrational video rangertell from Black Range NSW :mad: , bring back the CASIO fx-82MS detector :lol:
i wonder if this new detector has Tan & Cos sign availability :eek:
Ooooooh dont forget, if you type in 80085 it spells ****S :8
I noticed the AMPLITUDE dial, so basically the maximum extent of a vibration or oscillation, measured from the position of equilibrium, fancy words for a Volume dial , wait for it, and the winner for this weeks "dwt's Biggest ********* Award" is..............YES these clowns, thats right im openly mocking you on a public forum :p ,
Oh hang on maybe its a Semi Amplitude dial and they are using these things to look for EXOPLANETS................"*********s" :p
dwt said:
what a bunch of tools, i demand to see a demonstrational video rangertell from Black Range NSW :mad: , bring back the CASIO fx-82MS detector :lol:
i wonder if this new detector has Tan & Cos sign availability :eek:
Ooooooh dont forget, if you type in 80085 it spells ****S :8

Had a look at his other items on ebay. Two say his from black range. The other one says from sydney.
So wich one it it lol. Unless black range is a suburb of sydney. :8
have now reported him to the NSW police for cyber crime as well

obviously anyone visiting this forum is smart enough to know it is bulldust but as intelligent human beings we have a responsibility to protect the lower then average IQ people in our society do the right thing report this guy to the police
WTF Fellas! Go to rangertell dot com and you will see a video on the homepage in which the owner/maker of Rangertell products tells how he (Garry Brooker) is the guy, not a Vincent Blanes. In About Us top of the page , is his life history and how he invented the detectors 13 years ago and has been at it ever since, building them himself.

Cock-a-doodle-doo! :lol: