Nearly 800 page views, 18 watchers and 1 sale in only 2 days. Writing the buyer to ensure that he knows he's getting an absolute dud.
The following message from a Chinese mob:
Possible specifications of your device and the mechanism of its work and if possible video demonstration of the method of use and whether achieve results close to major companies producing this kind of products please explain ...
My reply: Due to the possibility of duplication of our wonderful piece of technology the actual specifications, and mechanisms, of this device will be kept, by us, a closely guarded industry secret. We are currently producing a video which will describe, in greater depth, that which our ad does. Please take the time to study our ad and note that we have, indeed, provided a truthful description of these superb devices.
The message seems to be getting out there, and if I can stop just one person getting shafted by these dud products then it'll be worth it.
Oh, and Nugget, I'd chuck ya one for the draw but I'm hoping that all recognise these things for what they really are and not want one.