WalnLiz said:
Hi guys, been watching this thread with interest and cant help myself but give my two bobs worth. Got to ask yourself before you get involved with all the technical side of loaming / soil sampling...." am i looking at trying to find a gold source to begin a commercial mining operation????".
This in many cases requires extensive digging and registering a claim, (not as simple as many may think), OR , am i looking at covering a small area to get the best amount of easily attainable gold from it. 99% of us on the forum are after the latter and the technical differences, in the long run, are only academic, and in my opinion not worth losing any sleep over.
Personally, I sample using both methods and couldn't give a hoot as to which is the technically correct term. I sample to get a pattern of where the gold is shedding from, with amateur prospecting in mind.....not to potentially fire up a "Tod Hoffman" operation.
In over 50 years of prospecting all over the country have come across only three small reefs the old timers missed.....and
they didn't warrant setting up a mining claim.
Got to keep this "Loaming" in some sort of perspective....use whatever you want to call it, and concentrate on enjoying the hobby. We won't be tested on what we've "technically" achieved, and we now live in an era where nobody really cares about being politically correct.....enjoy the hunt and keep the dream alive,
Cheers Wal.
I don't know Wal, didm 't you say in a post somewhere else that it is what the scales say being the measure or something along those lines. I think most who take it as hobby, and yourself I am willing to place money, would want results, and if that earns them some cyril ash along the way, the smile would be greater. Noones promoting taking an Exploration license. But the methods employed today commercially have been proven to be the most viable, so why not employ a simplified version to maximise your effort. Even today the extraction methods employed by most in this forum, are in fact simplified hybrids of commercial operations, the likes highbankers, trommels, suction dredges, rock crushers, even slide hammers
A large percentage of areas that you prospect have in the last 5 to 10 years been the subject of extensive investment in commercial prospecting, from chip, through to core samples from several hundred metres. As a result of the demising commodity price, expediting commercial extraction has slowed a little, not to say it won't go ahead. Did the old timers leave behind much, well assayed areas in the or under the same ground your walking on sometimes, ranges from 10g Au per ton up to 385 gm Au per ton. Now given that in an average day a two man crew on a high banker can what process say easily 1 cu metre of soil, so based on purity levels and the current spot price, say the days work yielded say a 100 grams, thats a wad of cyril ash at about 2 gorillas, not a bad effort I would reckon, and a defy any person to say that they wouldn't like those results.
Perspective is that a large percentage of members, fall into the retired and pension area of life, thus the cost of an outing must be considered well before expending the cash, whether on gear or the likes of fuel. Utilising processes that increase the profitability of a good day, thats perspective. Decimating and simplifying the processes, in the most cost effective manner, promotes the hobby, the better the results, the more that will join.
If I use terms which seem technical well I apologise, but this is too fold, one it is a way of life for me, and I do have to think process down to explain them which takes a lot of time. Secondly by enclosing certain terms which best describe a method promotes the reader to do a little of their own research to comprehend what is being said. This further develops their understanding and context in the field and not only in the term itself. There is a knock on effect. The application of these in the field then develops their knowledge base and ability into lithology, which in the long term is highly beneficial in the field application of their hobby.
Don't get me wrong here Wal, i'm not taking a shot at anyone. I think in reality to date there is not a real lot of explaining on the how to's, there is a lot of people showing results which is encouraging and a bit of camaraderie. Drilling process down is not getting technical, it's helping. Use it, ignore it, disagree agree with it, well like beauty it's in the eye of the beholder.