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Lightning Ridge/Grawin NSW information and questions

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Opal chips

Not sure I'd waste my time again going to Lightning Ridge. I spent a week there last November and found zip! Spent all my time at Grawin and found very little. Miners I spoke to said if we find anything they arn't doing their job. They even keep the potch to heat treat or acid and sell on.(not quite sure whats done to the potch)
I've been three times in the past ten years to the Ridge and its steadly become worse.
Best of luck to you though.
l learnt another new term POTCH: Potch is what precious opal is formed on. It can be grey, black or even white in colour. The majority of common opal mined is called Potch :)
There is a house on a property just west of Valla Beach, NSW. The driveway, the apron in front of the garages, the gardens are FULL of potch. Potch everywhere. Yes, they were opal miners from the 'Ridge.
A member from this site invited me up to Grawin so I was able to go down he's opal mine...

He showed me around the place

Got to see the gear working down in the mine

The people at the sheep yard inn was always nice to me and I was given good advice from them

Check out this video from Justin at Black Opal Direct, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUXQI-JLAws&list=PL0dRNBV_hxAK6xl_irqOiuWyLK5_L_gVI&index=4&t=0s

There are lots of dumps around Grawin, not just the two next to the road. Use Google or Apple Maps to find the dumps away from road, they may be less picked over and rain washes away the dirt and exposes the opal. It takes a while to get your eye in, when I first went to the Ridge I couldn't even find potch, now I see it everywhere.

Don't expect to find a gem worth thousands in a couple of days. Opal is very rare and be prepared to spend a fair amount of time, if you put in the effort you should find something. There is always a chance you will find a cutter.
Always look for the dumps away from the road..

The two big ones near the road have been picked over and over

But in saying that I did see a women bring in a nice one at the sheep yard inn one day and she was told she would get around 35grand for it

My friend gave me some chips that I have been cleaning up by hand...

Have put on many hours into them
Hi Everyone, I read that the Grawin dumps are now closed to the public? Is this true? Is there anywhere else nearby that is worthwhile for a fossick?
Tee Bee, I'm pretty sure the dumps are closed to the public, but no one takes any notice and I've never heard of any one being prosecuted. Just about everyone in the Ridge have spent some time specking, especially after heavy rain. If you are worried then concentrate on the dumps away from the road, no one will care.
There a lot of dump spots that you can go to up there

Ask at the Hilton or the sheep yard pub

I am sure someone will put you in the right direction
Im up here for a few days having a look around myself currently and am going to head over to the Grawin Dumps, Ill let you know how I go

I had been looking for old claims to noodle through the old workings, using the NSW Claims Viewer (I cant post the link) however it isnt easy to decipher

If anyone has any other tips around Lightning Ridge, they are greatly appreciated! :sunny: :pickshovel: :beer:
Hi All, thanks so much for the advice.

We went up there in the past week. There were plenty of people noodling on the Grawin dumps. We had a go and found a couple of small pieces of opal.

Thanks again!
You dont dig for opal you noodle through miners dumps. Very different to fossicking.

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