Its Official - Tassie Daz has broken the drought.

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Tassie Daz

Darryl Rowley
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
Kadina, SA
After spending a fantastic time at the 2014 Laanecoorie Bash and then taking a tour with Mark and Rhonda of Gold Prospecting Australia, I can officially report that I have "broken the duck". We were taken out in the Tarnagulla area to a place that has been surfaced and it was there that I jagged a tiny .35g nugget. It was about 3/4" down in a pile of dirt that was produced when the surfacing or pushing occurred. My ATX was on factory settings and the machine produced a tiny but unmissable tone. Thank-you to all those who have felt my pain and along the way listened to my whinging. It may not be anything I can retire on but many of you say "Gold is Gold", and tonight I am a very happy chappy.
Well done mate, it certainly lifts the spirits and the realisation that there is still gold to be found and the old timers did miss some!
Great to see Tassie. Like me the first half a dozen time I ended up with zip, nada, nil, SFA but after finding my first bit I now constitantly find gold. I really have no idea why or what I am doing differently but I keep finding gold. Not a lot of gold but gold all the same.
Touch wood.
Congrats TD..
On your first bit of Yellea....
More to come I think...
We are useing The Deep Seeker Package...
We are yet to walk over the First bit ..
Well done .....

Cheers Nanjim
Thanks fellas, yep, its been a looonnnnggggggggg time coming and sadly I haven't been able to follow it up today. I went out with Gold Prospecting Aust. and Mark detected what I was doing wrong - swing speed to fast and not ground-balancing often enough. Gee, it makes a difference when you do 2 little things differently.
Stalker I was using the DD coil. The signal was barely discernible, but just enough to stop me in mid swing. It would have been so easy to have walked on and missed the signal.

And while I was out today I realized just how hard you have to work at keeping the swing speed slow. I checked myself a few times and slowed the pace. No wonder I wasn't finding any gold. That vid that Lyndie posted wasn't far off, believe me, when I found how slow you actually have to go to find these little specks.
What's wrong with that vid Lynnie posted TD,?? :) I thought it was brilliant, and was hoping more guys out there would follow in his footsteps. :D :D
At least you found a sub g piece with your "sub" sonic swing speed . lol .. using the dd .. I'm impressed with the atx dd coil for its sensitivity. . But can't wait till I get a 8" coil for mine
I have elected to pass on the 8" stalker in preference for the 20". Its as heavy as....... but I wanted to be able to punch deeper into the soil looking for bigger nuggets. From a Video from Bearcat on UTube, the 2 coils.... the DD and the 8" basically do much the same job. But be ware. If you get the 20", its really heavy and you will need a batter sling than the one that comes with the ATX.
Whetuki, before this trip I was doing 2 things wrong. My swing speed was too fast and I wasn't ground balancing anywhere near enough. I tried balancing much more with the 20" coil on too and it makes a great deal of difference. All I hope now is that I can find some more gold (on my own) so that I can be really sure I have learnt something. What has become apparent is that it takes a great deal of concentration to keep the swing speed slow. Its much more natural to swing quicker, but I have to keep checking myself to keep it slow. Detecting is really not for those who's mind races because as that happens so the speed gets quick. Keep at it mate. It is a journey longer for some [me included].
Hey Wal, I didn't find anything wrong with the vid. Liz cracks me up with her funny cracks about "the boss" etc etc and all the heavy stuff she has to carry while you are loaded up like a proverbial pack horse.

Sorry Wal, I got the message wrong and finally saw that you were talking about Lynnie.. haha.
Swing speed, interesting. I wonder whether a metronome might help. You can get it as a phone app and set the speed at whatever you like e.g. maybe you want to swing 1 metre per second or 2 seconds so you would set the nome at 60 i.e. beats per minute or 30 beats per minute for a 2 second swing. I think I am having a seniors moment, sorry.

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