Is there a national prospecting union or association?

Prospecting Australia

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Sep 1, 2015
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Gday. Is there a national like NAPFA?
We are having a disscusion on our Facebook page,(prospecting in the territory) regarding access to property and EL,s. It seems that the goal posts are being moved, and we now require landowners, signed written consent as well as lease holders. The department of mines and energy are employing wardens to enforce rules. Landowners can throw away applications by prospectors, and with no signature, prospectors must wait up to 2 months for a reply.
We are currently trying to organise something that is workable for all parties. And I expect the local club to be swamped with new members.
Dave as far as I am a wear there is not a national association all states have different rules and regulations ,each state has prospectors association.The rule and regs are being stretched all the time and not in our favour regards john
I would have thought that a landholder signature would have already been the norm as he then knows who's wondering around his property and you have something to show to people who think you shouldn't be there...
Problem is in the NT, you post your notice, the landholder chucks it in the bin, you don't hear back within 2 months, you are entitled to assume consent, so you go....after the 2 month wait, get there, and told to piss off, I never got a consent notice.....
davent said:
Problem is in the NT, you post your notice, the landholder chucks it in the bin, you don't hear back within 2 months, you are entitled to assume consent, so you go....after the 2 month wait, get there, and told to piss off, I never got a consent notice.....

Dave not sure there is a solution or ever will be to this ............... the main problem I have found with detecting is at the end of the day it's a hobby that involves usually using property owned by some one else. Being born and bred on a farm can also understand why many do not want you there which is in most cases due to the previous actions of others.
Forsayth area is a 4000 K round trip for me but one thing I did enjoy is you basically have 300 square mile at your disposal with no hassle and made for a very relaxed atmosphere being able to just wander at ones will. One can only hope that no one is injured and tries to hold property owners liable or damages property etc then the result may be what has currently occurred in Clermont where the property owner has shut his land down. Not happy regards this but can also completely understand the farmer / land owners actions as his land and stock is what puts the food on his table.
Even when I was at Long Gully it was shut down for a week as they had a big muster on and he didn't want his cattle spooked by quads or other means as after aerial mustering the cattle become some what restless and takes little to spook them. This was great for me as I had the place to myself but then it's that big I don't think it would be an issue in any case? Again at the end of the day the property is their bread and butter.
Owners in Forsayth are trying to get more property owners to come on board but it appears many are hesitant to do so.
Not sure if I have digressed here but I feel at the end of the day it's these types of issues that are making it hard and getting harder to gain access to property on many occasions. A farmer has a big backyard but sadly many forget they are in fact in his back yard and quite often fail to give the respect due...................... end result difficult for others to be allowed to follow.
:) :)
I have been thinking about this for a while,
Federated Miners and Prospectors Guild of Australia.
Gives all of us one united voice across each States Borders.
If you go that way Tathradj, you would want to have some members step up at the next federal election. One for each State, Territory; would give us a voice nation wide then. Work on looking after the enviroment through numbers of concerned people out enjoying their hobby but watching what is going on in our forests. Just my 2 Bobs worth!!
I can understand this may or could help regarding access to state and federal land but is going to have little effect if any on access to land privately owned I shouldn't imagine ? Maybe I'm just to old school but if the bloke that owns the land doesn't want me there then that's just about it for me as being the owner it's his prerogative and not for me to question. As for government controlled land :rolleyes: then yes I truly believe there is a lot more that could be opened up if that's the term or simply be allowed to prospect on.
The idea is to give us all one voice where it is needed.
Yet protecting the sovereign rights of each state and it's respective Lobby Group.
In simple terms, If you have an issue that requires action in your State or Territory,
You can access the guild for advise or numbers for a petition.
At Federal Level, The Guild can back a Minister with a fair bit of clout.
Just an idea but will need the numbers as any one can join with a couple
of the Heads of the respective States Lobby Groups communicating via
the guild.
Say for instance you are not getting any where with an issue. The Lobby Group advises
the other States and obtains a general consensus to generate a Petition.
Within 2 Days, The respective body that is responsible for the issue has all the names and
signatures dumped in front of them.
Imagine what 10,000 signatures would do. :D
We have the other problem of mining companies buying several hundred km of EL,s in one hit, and working 1 or 2 km of it.
In NSW if the Shire is declared a fossicking and prospecting district,
You do not need to obtain permission.
If it isn't, You do need to obtain permission which is generally no.

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