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Prospecting Australia

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Apr 30, 2014
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Hey all how's things? I just moved from Sunshine Coast to Taree, NSW. Boy what a change of scenery, friends ask why I would change the beach scene for the bush dirt scene, well it's easy, I'm here for the elusive yellow. I've been prospecting for maybe 2 years and I try to get out as much as I can but it has been about 4 months I think since my last dig and I'm starting to get the shakes, thank god I moved down here to NSW, a lot more opportunities and areas for me to suss out LEGALLY unlike QLD where everything is shut off which is a mad bummer. I'm slowly researching the local areas that are close for me to travel to as I lost my license so I'm limited on travel most times. I'm wanting to go and take a walk through Kiwarrick forest, has anyone panned the local area around here? Thanks, hope to talk soon
Welcome Mate, I'm a fellow sunny coast latte sipping fairy..(as my brissy mates call me),
Not a lot up here aye! Gympie and the profit mine are the only thing a stones throw away, post up some pics of your colour when you nail it mate, be great to see...
Hi mate. Profit mine...... :/ .LOL, dont go there.. Mr Parsons is a very negative man, And Gympie is way too trashy. but gold is found there...between the two areas mentioned. I have found the elusive metal thereabouts. ;)
I've panned the prophet mine a fair bit and in my opinion John is fantastic with all of his information. He has copped alot of flak but that comes with being a know it all, he means well though, taught me things about geology that I've needed to know. I do agree though how Gympie is too trashy, nothing goin on there at all unless you own your own little gully ;) ... I think my first digging experience down here should be at Nundle or Gloucester, I CAN"T WAIT!! giggety giggety :lol: :p :) :D

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