Idea: Prospecting maps for whole of Victoria

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good idea but ...... just wanta point out some stuff

1 if using Google maps you'll need their full permission even if its just a basic overlay map to use their maps

2 with so called good spots it may become like Dunolly very flogged and you'll always get people jumping fences and dredging creeks and excavating old mine mullock heaps if its shown as rich on a map or any records

3 I would put a disclaimer on it saying the maps and things put on it may be not marked in exact locations etc. and your not responsible for any injury or death from mine shafts that are marked or not marked on your map or other dangers like waterfalls steep 4x4 tracks closed tracks etc. basically just covering yourself. in case someone wants to sue you for the smallest thing

4 also you want to copyright your work if you don't someone may take your idea and make it their own before you can publish your maps.

there's a whole lot else I can say but for now these would be the key issues.
TheMediocritist said:
malri_au said:
I just personally think it's better to direct them to use their states applicable geoservers,make them learn how to use them,if they can't,get help from someone who can.

That would be good, if the detail was there. But a key piece of information for Victorians is the exempted rivers and streams list, and its not available on any government websites except in a list that is full of typos and geographic errors. I even doubt the department responsible has mapped them for their own use (Ill ask a friend who worked there until last year).

An unscrupulous person could print that list and use it in defense of prospecting in known gold bearing rivers that are not on the list despite being exempted in 1914.

Ill have to think about the tenements issue.

Some strikes appear in national parks and off limit places,last thing we need is those being dug up.

And yet they are. Ive come across dozens of threads in this forum where people are inadvertently going where they shouldnt, or advising others to do so. We cant stop bad people from doing bad things, but anything that helps good people do the right thing can only increase the chances of our hobby continuing.

:rolleyes: you didn't know about this Govt website - plenty of information too! :rolleyes: note that some spellings are historical so are really not typos. Why the list came into existstance was originally an ammendment to the then conditions of the Miners Right which previously during the "rushes" allowed holders to "occupy their claim" ie construct a dwelling on or camp on their claim. Miners Right claims haven't been available for decades now but the list lives on - probably for the management of water quality and other enviromental reasons....
casper said:
That would be good, if the detail was there. But a key piece of information for Victorians is the exempted rivers and streams list, and its not available on any government websites except in a list that is full of typos and geographic errors. I even doubt the department responsible has mapped them for their own use (Ill ask a friend who worked there until last year).

This is why if you're ever in doubt you should contact them and ask for clarification.

Say I'm not sure on a river/stream/area,you can always contact them and ask for clarification.

make sure you have as much evidence in your favor if it's one of those yay or nay things.

That's what they're there for,public servants.

I'm not trying to start any shitfight other than to say,first I read up,if the read up isn't concise,I escalate ****.

The best thing you can show a ranger or a copper or anyone else out there is the maps and info proving right of presence.

I can't understand why the PMAV for vic,(i'm not entirely familiar with nsw) haven't already dragged this through the mud and got it clarified?
casper said:
:rolleyes: you didn't know about this Govt website - plenty of information too! :rolleyes: note that some spellings are historical so are really not typos.

Hey! Dont roll your eyes at me! :p

Of course I know about that list, its the one Im talking about. But its wrong from the additions and clarifications theyve made as well as historical spellings and name changes.

For example, would you say I am allowed to prospect in the Dargo River thats just to my north-west?
Avenza Maps is available for Ipad. Doug Stone's Goldfield map series can be purchased to run on it. I think there is a concession if you buy the whole series and its about $120 ish for the whole lot. I think it works out to about about $4/map.

I went to the golden triangle earlier this week and tried it out. As the map gives positional data it works can see exactly where you are and not finding gold.
I gave it away and came back home to Gippsland as it got too hot. Also the gum trees starting dropping branches which frightened the crap out of me when it happened about 50metres away.

The Mediocritist - I applaud your work. If you need help, yell out. I'm not sure what assistance I could offer but as a retiree I do have time to offer.


Looks good so far.
I've just downloaded it to run on my phone through GE.

My area is the Upper Murray region right on the border.

Unfortunately, I do believe that tributory includes all of the offshoots of the main stream/river. From the quick look I had, there is a few missing from this region.

Let me know how I can help out.

Thanks Philthy. If youre able to grab screenshots and point out the missing bits, Ill check and adjust.

Youre right that about the tributaries, but I think only where it says and tributaries. Ive gone back to the original 1881 gazette, which is reasonably specific about start and end points as well as how far the protection extends onto land, and followed the paper trail through to today.

The Murray river is likely to be the worst bit to fix, given the and ana-branches bit.
That would be a fantastic resource and I for one would pay a reasonable price for something like that.Your time is worth something.
TheMediocritist said:
casper said:
:rolleyes: you didn't know about this Govt website - plenty of information too! :rolleyes: note that some spellings are historical so are really not typos.

Hey! Dont roll your eyes at me! :p

Of course I know about that list, its the one Im talking about. But its wrong from the additions and clarifications theyve made as well as historical spellings and name changes.

For example, would you say I am allowed to prospect in the Dargo River thats just to my north-west?
Great work - do you have it in any other formats (er mapper, mapinfo etc)?
goldierocks said:
Great work - do you have it in any other formats (er mapper, mapinfo etc)?

Thanks. The layers are ArcGIS format, either shapefile or gdb, but I can export them to whatever suits your needs.
Ill have a look tomorrow.

Keep in mind there are still errors in some places, as well as some interpretation/guesswork - eg. around sub-branches.
Hi this is my first post so bear with me. I think it's a great idea except for it only being for GPS and the like. The reason for my comment is in September I took both my sons, who are Autistic, to the Heathcote and Graytown National park to do some gold prospecting with metal detectors It was what my 21yr old son wanted to do for his birthday. Although I went online to see where we were allowed to go to prospect, (a) we had no phone or internet signal to pull up maps and (b) once we started scouting out the area, we also found it very difficult to know at ground level whether or not we had strayed outside the legal boundries. I think if you were able to post not just a GPS app, but also a physical map that could be downloaded onto a USB and then printed off, that would then cover everyone's needs. I also have to mention that I am frequently referred to as the village idiot of anything electronic. I would hope I'm not the only one who would cheerfully throw out anything electronic and go back to the old school ways of things. But then again maybe it is just me. Although we didn't find any gold, we did find some old bottles, odd bits of metal and pottery. We had an absolute blast but as I said before it was rather hard to get our bearings as the maps posted were not very helpful. So as I said I think it would be a brilliant idea to put together a more detailed and/or comprehensive group of maps. By the way, as we live on the Mornington Peninsula, it would be terrific to have information of this area and Gippsland so we don't have to travel so far for a bit of fun and a family day out. Sorry about the rambling, Kindest Regards, samhall1965.
About a year or so ago TheMediocritist posted a thread about his work on a map of Victoria showing all the areas (parks, rivers, etc) that can and can't be prospected.

I haven't been able to find other threads about it and was just wondering if it ended up getting off the ground?


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