Yep, crazy, and now we've got our new Australian of the year, David Morrison who must be having a 'i'm no longer important and getting any media coverage day' saying that we need to stop calling females guys, fair enough, but as an old bastard, both my wife and i get called 'guys' just about everytime we buy a coffee at an inner city trendy cafe. It annoys us because it sounds so American, not because of our gender!
And we shouldn't call women girls, *****, heaven forbid, or say we shouldn't say 'i'm not your mother' because its gender based and offensive? What, to mothers?
Go back into the bloody army and do some good instead of supporting a ridiculous politically correct fringe element trying to get some airtime because they are feeling neglected and have nothing better to do with their lives except trying to change everybody else.
Words shouldn't offend if there is no intent or harm intended. But if they do offend then the individual victim should call it out on a one on one basis without the need for some dogooders telling us all what we can or can't say within the bounds of common decency and respect for others.
Oh god! Don, t start me on Morrison!!!
As an ex soldier I feel I should have my say. That poor excuse as a General, Morrison, hit retirment age and realised that he wouldnt be remembered for anything, he was in A real Generals shadow, Cosgrove.
So he tried to stir some PC crap before he retired. He made a comment that we, Australians , should move on from the ANZAC, s and that the ANZAC Legend should be forgotten, as it wasn, t inclusive enough, and that recruiting soldiersfrom ethnic backgrounds was suffering because of it. What a load of crap. I served with blokes from all backgrounds, Phillipino, Greek, Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, South African, Polish, English, Kiwi, and thats just off the top of my head, and they were all my brothers, and they were all pround to be labelled ANZAC, s and Aussies.
Morrison also was the head hunter in the Jedi Knights scandle, where a few sexist e mails circulated. A bloody good Lt Col was sacked over it, he hadn, t even opened the e mails, but because he didn, t delete them, his career was over, sacked. I have at work now, well over 280 unopend e mails.
Well, he got what he wanted sooo badly, he got recognition. Australian of the year.....surley there must have been better to choose from than that turd.
rant over.