I am not sure what the problem or worry is in this thread. If a person feels they can live with how their detector works now, then fine, there is no need to make a change.
Since I never have hunted in OZ, I can only go by what many people have said and that is what prompted me to come up with a fix for the hiccup. Is this mod absolutely needed? Of course not. If the hiccup causes little or no problems to a person, then don't worry about it. Over here in the US, there are almost no places where the mod is needed.
One thing the people should be aware of is the mod makes ground balancing easier and smoother. So, it has advantages to have it done. Now, with that said, then if a person is happy with how their detector ground balances and worried about having the mod done, don't worry.
Now, for those wanting to know more about the mod itself, it isn't brain surgery. It consists of removing a few parts and shorting across another. Actually, it could probably be done and work by shorting one diode and removing one capacitor. However, the best solution is to to also remove all or part of the parts not needed.
Think of this mod sort of like worrying about removing your appendix. If it isn't giving problems, why worry about it.
Somewhere along the line someone asked if White's is going to do anything to the TDI to reduce noise. Well, since I have no link or communications with White's I haven't a clue what they will or will not do.
Someone also added that Digger Bob showed how to check to see if an unknown signal was basalt. That little feature works for both basalt and, as Luke L found out, works on what he calls hot pockets also. Both can be ignored easily by simply knowing what to do with the controls. Remember, the manual is only a starting point from which to expand. Also, the manual was written well before additional uses for certain controls were known. Also, remember any and all controls on the detector are there to be used. So, feel free to experiment to see just what happens.
I hope this helps clear things up.