How our bushfire smoke and dust is affecting NZ

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I was asked to go over in a strike team from WA but had to decline as I need to work at the moment.
We need more people hear fighting the NSW fire's..

Have ash over my house, car's. Caravan etc etc..

People being sent to the local RSL at Macksville and Nambucca heads NSW...

The smoke is hard on the eyes and people are having breathing problems...


It pains me to see what people are going through at the moment, I still have vivid memories of the ash Wednesday fires in Victoria when I took an army fire fighting team from my unit up into the Cockatoo area, we were engaged in controlling spot fires mainly and saw many burnt out houses and cars where there had been many casualties, so it has left me with a healthy respect for bush fires and how quickly they can take hold of an area, I have enormous respect for the fire crews and for the support staff, and I am always amazed at how well people can work together in support of each other when these things happen.


Many thanks for posting that Tath.
I have a daughter looking after a sheep station out near Goodooga, limited phone and net out there so I've been shitting my pants a bit with worry. That makes me feel a bit better.
The sites are only for your information
There is a disclaimer about that.
The RFS site, Sure, Buzz in and have a quick look
then out again.
Please do not leave the site running in the back ground.
A lot of people depend on it and having the site crash
in the middle of an emergency is not a good thing.
No I don't leave it open.... I check 10 times a day ATM as I have friends that are caught up in the Fires in several areas in NSW and QLD... :( and im telling them what is happening as some don't have internet...

If a fire breaks out in a new area, it is up on the RFS site in less than 30min....

They have made big improvements to the RFS site and now a crash is unlikely... But, it could still happen with what is going on ATM...

all good links thanks a million.
My baby girl is out there on her own hand feeding about 2000 head of sheep so it's a tad worrying when you can't get in touch. Good to see there's nothing happening in her area...not that there's anything left to burn there anyway.
Where I live we have just been given a warning that we might have to leave tomorrow...

Tomorrow we will be on higher alert ...

Goody :argh:
Stay safe Katt and heed all warnings... Keep an eye on that RFS site link and get out early as your roads will be blocked with traffic when you are told to leave...

There is also a major fire West of Coffs and north of Coffs that will burn all the way to the Coast if they cant stop it as well....
You have major fires right around you and I would consider Leaving very soon if you can.... Before the Rush starts...

I have asked the Mods to Delete a topic I started in the Gemstone section about Torrington... Seems things have gotten real bad in the last few Hours and Emmaville has now been Evacuated.....

Un-confirmed reports that 10 homes have been lost at Torrington have just surfaced...We have several Members in that town, so I only hope that they are safe...

The info im getting is very conflicting as some are told they are safe and next lot of info they are in Danger...

All State Forests in NSW from Border to Border are CLOSED UNTILL FURTHER NOTICE...

To all affected by these fires we're thinking and praying for you. It's a difficult and challenging situation to have to deal with just heed the warnings and keep yourself safe first and foremost.

Goody keep informed and stay safe, sorry to hear your in this position look after yourself and check on the elderly and people living alone.

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