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Prospecting Australia

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goody2shoes said:
Do you still find theses Quartz inners of Thundereggs ?

It's amazing what Australia has laying around on and underground,

Secret spot LW....would like that..

I would take you to mine if I had one :lol:

Goody :)

No I don't think you will find any now...

Well not so secret spot, but after a massive flash flood they are everywhere in the same creek now.... Better than paying $25 for a very small bucket full that quickly dwindles down to, if you are lucky 3 or 4 after some very quick hands remove the 'no good' ones.... :rolleyes:
I was in the 'Mine Shop' once and a small boy was sooo happy finding a bucket full... within 3 seconds his bucket full ended up as 3 single eggs... The look on his face was so disappointing :brokenh: ... Latter on I grabbed his mum and son and gave them a heap of mine... poor kid, He was close to tears...

As for your 'Secret Spot'... Well you are already there.... Where you live Goody... :p :Y: :perfect:

Yes I do live in paradise....

I feel for that little boy...

I hope he kept doing it and never gave up..

That is a very good deed you did for that little boy,

Thank you LW for doing that...

It is always nice to see good people doing lovely thing's for others...

Goody :)
Thanks Goody, I couldn't bare to see him soo disappointed. I had a good chat to his Mum after and hopefully they will keep going with the Hobby... When im a Field Guide at some Gem Events, I always help the young ones, as they are our Future and they show so much interest...

The Fellow behind the counter is a real XYZ sometimes and was very stern with them.. He is nice as pie, then once you hand over your $$ he changes... ANY rock/Thunderegg sticking over the rim of the very small bucket is quickly discarded down a hole in his bench... No matter what it is... Reminds me of that Game with a hidden peanut and 3 cups... His hands are very Quick... :rolleyes:

There are too many Rocks for me to dig Alone in this World... So I like to share- After I find My share... :) ... :cool:

Hi my son (6yo) and myself started egg hunting a week or so ago. We live on Gold Coast and would welcome any suggestions for egg hunting or secret locations. We have done the thunderbird park a week ago but would rather something not so picked over. Any advice appreciated. I have a wet saw and can cut small eggs. Thanks. Jeff
Sorry Jeff, I just noticed your post... Northern NSW is your best choice...Doon Doon creek is still producing Eggs.... Most of the creeks in Nth NSW around Mt Warning has them, but some digging is required...

Thunderbird Park got hit with a big flood several years ago and washed a lot of 'his' eggs into the creek... If you search the creek you will find them... for Free...

No, not a NP or under a Dam.. ;) :D

Most creeks in that area has produced Eggs.... You just need to know the 'Indicators' of Thunder Eggs.... Gold has Indicators, so do Thunder Eggs.... ;)


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