If you can dig around enough you can find some interesting facts that are not widely published, mostly for self centred interests
1/ the earth has had ice ages and heat waves for millions of years
2/ The last major ice age was only about 10,000 years ago, and the last mini ice age was in the 16th century
3/ These natural fenomenon is caused by a very slight tilting (1 or 2 degrees)or wobble of the earth's axis.
Here is an interesting read, but just take note that all this modelling is based on "assumptions" , now any body can make assumptions about anything, eg., the last US election, you enter the figures (assumptions ) for the answer that YOU WANT to get
https://books.google.com.au/books?i...=y#v=onepage&q="tilting earth's axis"&f=false
So is there global warming........ yes.
Is it caused by man.........NO.
Is it contributed to by mankind.........probably
So, on the mankind side of things is there anything that we can do ?.......Well yes, we can ban ALL forms of motor transport, shut down gas and eletricity supplies, go back to sailing ships, horse and buggy days ( but watch out for the methane) outlaw open fires of any sort.
The repercussions
You need new glasses..... sorry not made any more, no electricity
You need an operation....sorry no anaesthetics , no lights, no heating, no nothing
Do I believe there is global warming..............yes
Is mankind responsible for it..........................partly
Is global warming a cyclical event..................YES
Can mankind alter global warming..................Not in the foreseeable future
As you may have guessed I am NOT a fan of Al Gore nor Mr Flannery and all their half truths but I do believe there is global warming and the politicians are being led by the snout by these quasi experts