History of The World Game

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Figured that much :p still doesn't help much in the old Googol...

Expansion rate of steel when heated?

Thermodynamic conductance of steel?

Have explored both options with little success...

May need to give us an extra variable to aid the search??
Marked said:
Fitting for a History of the World Quiz...the age of the Earth?

You got it Marked. Very controversial theory by Darwin that the Earth was once molten.
A French guy who's name eludes me at the moment did the experiments with steel balls.
He came up with a little under 75000 years. What he didn't take into account was radioactive heat and decay rates. An unknown concept at the time.

You're question Marked....
According to Chinese legend, Chinese society was founded by a series of rulers who brought the first rudiments of civilization to the region nearly five thousand years ago. The first one, also known as the ox-tamer, was........?
Too easy...and too correct :)

The society founded by the ox-tamer was however not considered a dynasty: the first real dynasty of China is the Zhou dynasty.
In December 1952, a number 78 double-decker bus was crossing Tower Bridge. At that time, the gateman would ring a warning bell and close the gates when the bridge was clear before the watchman ordered the lift. The process failed while a relief watchman was on duty. The bus was near the edge of the south bascule when it started to rise; driver Albert Gunter made a split-second decision to accelerate the bus, clearing a six-foot drop onto the north bascule, which had not started to rise. The conductor broke his leg, and twelve of the twenty passengers aboard received minor injuries. The driver was later rewarded with a 10 bonus

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