Highbanking alone?

Prospecting Australia

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I go out a fair bit by myself, mainly panning because the highbanker isn't up & running just yet, but will be doing that by myself a fair bit as well when its ready, apart from getting things to the creek, I don't see any real problems running it by myself, will just take my time & enjoy being out in the bush.
As for safety, I have the small prospecting pick hooked to my belt, also have the shovel close by & have my trusty lockblade on me as well, if anyone tried anything then they will get hurt, but my main concern is being away from my car & having some little prick knock it off or damage it. Its not worth much but its still my car, might actually start pulling a couple of fuses so it won't start.
One must remember to be in the 'right' one can only use reasonable force, pick up a weapon and be prepared to deal with the consequences and hope the bad boy don't take it off you. Bs bravado
Correct. :)
If one is attacked and must be able to defend themselves,
The object must be taken up as a defense.
IE; If you have purposefully planted or prepared an object for the purpose of defense, it is a weapon and premeditated.
If you are attacked and just happen to pick up the closest thing you can find,
Arguable and defensible especially if you are useing a defense that is opposite.
and allways remember, If it is coming at you with evil intent, It is not there to peel oranges or have a yarn.
One hit and it goes down, Stand back and do not hit again. You may restrain to prevent further injury if not,That is excessive force or assault.

Myazma said:
One must remember to be in the 'right' one can only use reasonable force, pick up a weapon and be prepared to deal with the consequences and hope the bad boy don't take it off you. Bs bravado
Yep I understand all that & totally agree, learnt a bit about that when I done some mixed martial arts years ago. I would only use something for self defence if really needed & as a last resort & I would only use the needed force & no more, I would also only go for something like knees & legs to prevent someone from attacking me, wouldn't be trying to cause major head trauma, thats going a bit far.
I think having the small pick on me would be enough to deter most would be attackers anyway & they wouldn't be able to get it off me, but just seeing it would make most of them think twice.
I think we see too much drama on TV. I know there are quite a few cars that get broken into but really how many people get harassed or attacked?

We were camped on the Palmer River in north QLD recently and watched a vehicle closely as it approached at about 9pm. It stopped with the headlights on us about 50m away. I walked around the back and picked up my 600mm pick and approached the vehicle. The guy got out and came around into the beam of the headlights. He was only looking for a resident miner who we had visited earlier in the day. This guy was the internet fixit guy and the miner had told us he was expecting a new modem to arrive so that he could catch up on the rugby so we knew he was genuine. We gave him directions and sent him on his way but it was just after Stephen Struber, 58, and Dianne Wilson, 55 were put away for murdering another local miner. Knowledge of these things only serves to put us on edge unnecessarily.
Thats true & most of the time nothing will be likely to happen, but there is always the chance. The Ballarat area where I am has a very high amount of cars knocked off all the time, so you just never know when or where it can happen, doesn't matter if you're right in town or 20 or more kays out.
Then there was the incident not long back where the young idiots tried to rob people at knife point while they were in a car, just so happened that they were police & the 16 yr old got caught while his mates, in 2 stolen cars took off, I know one more was caught but not sure about the others, that happened out of town in a bushland type area. It can happen & with the idiots around this area it happens a bit so always good to keep your eyes open & your guard up.
Whats with the worst case senario guys? Highbanking on my own is a darn treat, especially if your on nice black wash. Ive come across two jokers who came maybe 10 feet from me and started sampling, what can you do nothing. Keep a cool head stand your ground and be polite. Words have defused wars and also, started them. Cheers pennyweight
When you mix drugs, alcohol and peer pressure, it makes a very explosive compound. It's hard to trust anyone anywhere these days.
We have to evolve 4 eyes and 4 arms but still keep 1 tackle box.!!! :rolleyes:
Hell, I almost always work solo. Only worried about the occasional snake. Stepped on a red belly just before Xmas. He shot thru, I jumped a record height, end of story. I've never had a problem with the two legged variety either. My only concern would be an accident involving serious injury but if you work safe and careful you should be right. Common sense really.
Few years ago in Ballarat there was a small bunch of ratbags on push bikes who would approach prospectors working by themself. One kid would get in your face and ask alot of questions while hes mates would look for your keys and snuffer. Igot a heads up after a mate got hit on the head by a shovel and chased them down before reporting it. These kids were 13 at best.

I started taking a machete with me to my spot which is off the track a bit but a public walk goes past and i actually met them one day and saw them sniffing around my patrol... i made an effort to make them really uncomfortable asking names where they went to school and mentioned i had three brothers at that school... all fluff but they didnt hang around. Scared me a bit actually these kids knew way too much about the value of my tyres and suspension
Interesting thread, didn't realise there are so many who are always nervous, worried and carrying a security blanket. (be it a pick & shovel)
If you had to be continually looking over your shoulder for trouble approaching, my view is I'd find another hobby.
Like snakes, spiders and other creepy crawlies don't you think these subjects go a little overboard.
Lowlifes looking for an easy dollar wouldn't be tramping around the bush, plenty of homes to burgle in town, even when owners are home.
My experiences from 70's, 99.9% of the time have been friendly and some life time friendship have been established with then strangers met while travelling/prospecting in very remote areas.
WA has recently been crowned the crime capital of Australia (nothing to be proud of) however fortunately have never read or seen where a prospector has been assaulted or robbed while enjoying their hobby.
Depends where you live & prospect, but in an area like Ballarat there are young idiots getting around all over the place, including in some areas where people prospect, whether that be out bush or one of the local creeks, the crime around here can be high & there are people who like to cause problems & people have been attacked & bashed for no reason apart from pissed idiots having so called fun. Its not about carrying a security blanket or being nervous, its about watching out for yourself because some people here would do just about anything if they think they can make a few bucks.
Wasn't that long back I was panning & a couple young blokes crossed the creek on push bikes, one was talking to the other about my car sitting there, they hadn't seen me, but I walked out from the bushes & said it was mine, one of the blokes decided to be a bit of a smart ass, nothing happened but around here thats what some people are like.
It may never happen to a prospector, but if it does, I want to make sure it isn't me that gets done over.
Good luck with the build on the highbanker I built one out of wood with a plastic hopper the mats from Bunnings I bought cost me the most apart from the pump and it works really great, working alone is quite manageable I have found though it is always nice to have some one else do the shoveling ;)
Yep i agree with the post the only real danger is breaking a leg or snake bite. I still setup a swag have my gear setup in the river overnight no dramas.

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