Well said Tathradj + Jemba,
I have my own home built highbanker, small and efficient. All up it cost approx. $350.
The sluice is 2.5ft long at the moment but I am going to make an extension to it and make 5ft which equals 1.524m.
I have 2inch spray bars, hose and pump.
Although it may be small it keeps up with me and my son feeding it all day!!
it will cost approx. $150 to produce the extension.
So for approx. $500 It will be complete and compact enough to lug around
But in saying that.....
I had to workout how to run this highbanker by myself, trial and error to get it to optimal performance!!
I agree with tathradj and jemba
Anything over 1.5m is not necessary,
2.5m worth of sluice and equipment........... and having to transport it to a location away from the easy to get to worked areas will be PAINFUL!!! 8.(
Purchasing one will enable you to get help setting up and correct pressure and angles!!
If you really want to build your own, I would recommend following the walbanker specifications!!
And if you are determined to make it 2.5m make a 1m extension to fix to it!!
Good luck with your decision