Has anyone tried this gold machine Gold Reaper

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Jul 8, 2013
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Hello all , this is something I found pertaining to clean outs .

I believe the cost is around $1,500.00 or so

I would like to hear from some of you before I make an investment in this.

I can't post a link yet until I have 10 post under my belt, but you can see it by searching you tube or google and search for gold reaper or rotapan as key words

Your comments please.
Hi Eugene,

Haven't used a Gold Reaper but I have just watched the you-tube video and was very impressed with the product, but it's out of my budget. I wonder what the inside's look like!

My bad sorry Eugene, didn't see your post and/or realise that it was what I posted today, I was looking at the Rotapan then saw the Gold Reaper; both look the goods but do they walk the talk?
@ Swifty @ BrisJoe , I believe it works on the principal of the lighter material being drained out at the top and the heavy gold drops straight down to his catch at the bottom. Just from observations on the video that the inventor posted.
Would love to hear from some forum members who have used this Australian made machine.
I have seen some posts referring to members using his rotopan.
The unit has improved since the inventor first posted , I guess its an alternative to a gold shaker table or panning.

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