Happy Australia Day

Prospecting Australia

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blisters said:
To look at it another way, if a foreign country invaded Australia today and we had to annually celebrate their day of arrival I wouldn't think that would be appropriate and I wouldn't want to do it either. It's like we are celebrating a win rather than uniting all Australians in a day of celebration.

I have used that same argument .

If the Canberra govt does nothing to stop current injustices against First Nation people then it will attract a thing called karma.

If Russia or China invaded us , if the Canberra govt surrendered to save the lives who remained after the war ended , what next ?

The white Australians would constantly grieve that the Russians were stealing farmers crops or burning them to force us to buy food from Russian farmers , white aussies would be angry that their property titles are not officially recognised by the invading Russians as they have to make written application to the new Russian minister for permission to transfer ownership and pay transfer fees to the Russian bank.

The Russians invade and kick property owners off their land around Sydney harbour or just shoot them / put them in jail for civil disobedience , the Russians have to take that land obviously so they can create a center for defence and management of the continent , there are protests in the streets by white Australians screaming out you are not respecting our native property titles

30,000 Russians are settled in Australia to keep the peace , they take the homes they want and give a blanket and a tent to the owner , telling them they can apply for compensation when things settle down , those people go and camp on the lawn of Parliament House in protest , they find another mob is camped there already with more expertise but are told not to expect too much care or compassion from the govt residing there.

Some people are too prominent in their protest and they get arrested , mysteriously dying in custody ...

The new Russian govt will not issue travel visas and passport applications are denied.

White Australians will be outraged and aboriginals will kindly ask if They would like a shoulder to cry on.

There are areas in Australia where native title HAS been given back to some areas of land but the Canberra govt will not allow the occupants official recognition of their First Nation passports , wish that would change as I would like to apply for a First Nation visa.

What is correct should be done , and it should be done correctly.

An article by Todd Wood, that was in the New York Post some time ago.

It could very well apply here.

I know of no white person alive today in the United States who has ever legally owned a black slave, or any slave for that matter. Almost 700,000 mostly white men died 160 years ago to end slavery. Jim Crow ended generations ago. Yet black America, for the most part, is still locked in inner-city gang violence and economic hardship. Why? Is it because America is racist? Is it because of some overhanging white supremacy? Is it because of the Illuminati?
No, unfortunately, it is because of black culture and the adoption of Democratic Party government dependency. read [ labor party]
We have just had eight years of the first black president. Black athletes, and entertainers, routinely earn multi-million dollar incomes. I can easily name several black billionaires without even trying too hard. A large percentage of black America is very successful. But, it is not enough. Too many black youth are being left behind.
And it is no one but black Americas fault.
No one can solve this problem but black America. No one can throw enough money at it. Weve tried that. Black America needs to look in the mirror and stop blaming others, especially white people.
I am obviously white and conservative, and I served in the military, which, during my time, was as color blind as you could be. I can also honestly say I dont give a damn what color your skin is, neither do any of my friends. I do care about your actions.
Blacks are around 15 percent of the population. Depending on what study you look at, they commit around 40 percent to 50 percent of violent crime in America. Of course, there is going to be a problem with police. And, of course, there are some bad policemen. However, those bad apples do not kill black people statistically anymore than they kill white people. Even Harvard said that recently. If you were a cop, and you had to work in a neighborhood infested with crime and murder, wouldnt you act differently than in a neighborhood where there was little crime? The most effective thing black America could do to improve its relationship with police is to significantly reduce violent crime where they live. Yes, that means change the culture of where you live and your community.
I for one am tired of being blamed. I am tired of dealing with people who only want something from others. I dont oppress anyone. I dont hold anyone down. Im tired of getting on the D.C. metro and seeing white people being harassed by roaming gangs of black youth with their pants around their knees. Yes, you want a white person uncomfortable? That makes me uncomfortable. Its our nations capital and its embarrassing.
Blacks have nothing but opportunity in America. Try finding the same opportunity anywhere else in the world. If you are born in America youve won lifes economic lottery. Take advantage of it.
The problem is this generation has been taught an agenda of cultural Marxism by our education system. Theyve been taught to be a victim, and its still going on. All you have to do is watch the young black, female student at Yale screaming at the college president to understand that. Blacks in America dont even know how good they got it.
Dont kneel when my anthem is played. Too many people died for that flag. You are free to protest but not then. I am free to not watch, or pay to watch you play if you do that. The NFL should make it a rule that you stand for the national anthem. There is no free speech to disobey a private employer on private property. This would solve the problem immediately.
The NFL has deeply offended most of America. They will pay an economic and reputational price, as they should.
We have a real cultural problem in this country, the result of the Leftist multicultural agenda. Multi-ethnicity is perfect and should be encouraged. Having more than one American culture is destroying the country. But then again, that is what the Left wants.
Do BlackLives Matter?
It is your job to determine if this is a racist rant or just a review of factual data...
Amount of people in poverty would drop - 34%,
The prison population would go down by -37%,
Welfare recipients would go down by - - - 42%,
Gang members would go down by - - - - - 53%
Average SAT scores would go UP almost - - - - -100 points,
The average income for Americans would go UP over $20,000 a year,
And, many criminal defense attorneys would have to find another line of work!
Yes, Black lives DO matter!
Happy Australia Day everyone :Y:
HeadsUp said:
blisters said:
To look at it another way, if a foreign country invaded Australia today and we had to annually celebrate their day of arrival I wouldn't think that would be appropriate and I wouldn't want to do it either. It's like we are celebrating a win rather than uniting all Australians in a day of celebration.

I have used that same argument .

If the Canberra govt does nothing to stop current injustices against First Nation people then it will attract a thing called karma.

If Russia or China invaded us , if the Canberra govt surrendered to save the lives who remained after the war ended , what next ?

The white Australians would constantly grieve that the Russians were stealing farmers crops or burning them to force us to buy food from Russian farmers , white aussies would be angry that their property titles are not officially recognised by the invading Russians as they have to make written application to the new Russian minister for permission to transfer ownership and pay transfer fees to the Russian bank.

The Russians invade and kick property owners off their land around Sydney harbour or just shoot them / put them in jail for civil disobedience , the Russians have to take that land obviously so they can create a center for defence and management of the continent , there are protests in the streets by white Australians screaming out you are not respecting our native property titles

30,000 Russians are settled in Australia to keep the peace , they take the homes they want and give a blanket and a tent to the owner , telling them they can apply for compensation when things settle down , those people go and camp on the lawn of Parliament House in protest , they find another mob is camped there already with more expertise but are told not to expect too much care or compassion from the govt residing there.

Some people are too prominent in their protest and they get arrested , mysteriously dying in custody ...

The new Russian govt will not issue travel visas and passport applications are denied.

White Australians will be outraged and aboriginals will kindly ask if They would like a shoulder to cry on.

There are areas in Australia where native title HAS been given back to some areas of land but the Canberra govt will not allow the occupants official recognition of their First Nation passports , wish that would change as I would like to apply for a First Nation visa.

What is correct should be done , and it should be done correctly.


And if these Russians or Chinese were to try and invade our country I will fight to the death to stop them like any other proud Aussie would do, so really I would never know whether my house and land were taken if we were to lose.
HeadsUp said:
blisters said:
To look at it another way, if a foreign country invaded Australia today and we had to annually celebrate their day of arrival I wouldn't think that would be appropriate and I wouldn't want to do it either. It's like we are celebrating a win rather than uniting all Australians in a day of celebration.

I have used that same argument .

If the Canberra govt does nothing to stop current injustices against First Nation people then it will attract a thing called karma.

If Russia or China invaded us , if the Canberra govt surrendered to save the lives who remained after the war ended , what next ?

The white Australians would constantly grieve that the Russians were stealing farmers crops or burning them to force us to buy food from Russian farmers , white aussies would be angry that their property titles are not officially recognised by the invading Russians as they have to make written application to the new Russian minister for permission to transfer ownership and pay transfer fees to the Russian bank.

The Russians invade and kick property owners off their land around Sydney harbour or just shoot them / put them in jail for civil disobedience , the Russians have to take that land obviously so they can create a center for defence and management of the continent , there are protests in the streets by white Australians screaming out you are not respecting our native property titles

30,000 Russians are settled in Australia to keep the peace , they take the homes they want and give a blanket and a tent to the owner , telling them they can apply for compensation when things settle down , those people go and camp on the lawn of Parliament House in protest , they find another mob is camped there already with more expertise but are told not to expect too much care or compassion from the govt residing there.

Some people are too prominent in their protest and they get arrested , mysteriously dying in custody ...

The new Russian govt will not issue travel visas and passport applications are denied.

White Australians will be outraged and aboriginals will kindly ask if They would like a shoulder to cry on.

There are areas in Australia where native title HAS been given back to some areas of land but the Canberra govt will not allow the occupants official recognition of their First Nation passports , wish that would change as I would like to apply for a First Nation visa.

What is correct should be done , and it should be done correctly.

thats a cute story but,

Modern day indigenous haven't experienced any of that...

I better story would be, 230 years ago the Russians came. They murdered your ancestors and stole your land, but now they give you more social support than themselves (ie. more money than the white man, social and health services just for your people, housing just for you, in some cases whole towns staffed with all the services you need free, sometimes free cars) and you still harbor hate to them, who did nothing to you other than in the most part exist in the country they were born in.

So it sounds like to me these "Russians" are doing a lot to help you, but it's not enough. You want more, you'd be happy if every Russian left because you harbor so much hate. You've even convinced younger native Russians to hate themselves and the deeds of their ancestors.

But playing the victim works because the squeaky wheel gets the grease
"Coon, Nigger, Boong, F***ing Black C**ts" just some of the disgusting derogitory comments I hear most trips into town by respected towns folk including shop keepers and council members.

Most shops don't even display a price ticket on items. You can have 3 prices at the register - local white price, tourist price and aboriginal price. I see them walk into a shop and get ordered out immediately so they don't even have a chance to pay the over the top aboriginal price.

How come I can sell gold in town for $45+ a gram but and aboriginals gold is only worth $20 to $35 a gram?

I see so many try and better themselves but cant get a job because they are black and therefore must be unreliable, will go walk about or get drunk. They never will even get a chance to prove themselves. Yet the white employee can throw sickie after sickie usually from hangovers and still retain his job.
Some cant get a job because they have no birth certificate and don't even know when they were born.

Plenty on the lands out here can no longer hunt because thier traditional hunting grounds are now fenced off with a big mine in it. They have no hope of getting a job and no hope of surviving without welfare. Most hate welfare, it makes them feel worthless and many just plain refuse to take it.

I know two gents the same age as me (I was born in 1964) who still carry bullet hole scars. They used to trade gold for supplies but then the buyers found it easier to just shoot them and take thier gold. These two were some of the lucky ones.

I knew a girl who was taken from the hospital 3 days after her birth in 1967.
Many years later we got to see her file and the reason she was taken...'The child would most likely not be rotated in her cot which could result in a flat spot on her skull and possible mental retardation'.
Her file also showed she had brothers and sisters born into the 70's of which none made it out of hospital after birth.

Instead they all spent time in foster home after foster home basically as slaves where they were beaten and even raped. Eventually these demons caught up with her and she took her own life.

I don't think changind a date is the answer and I have no idea what the answer is, but I do know and understand why the mistrust and I believe it will take generations to heal.
Again my sincere thanks to all those that have read and participated in this very controversial subject.
I thinks it's time to reflect and not to go down the American Redneck path.
I respect all your comments and more importantly I respect every member on this forum no matter what colour, religion or ethnic persuasion. God Bless
Mods please lock it up.
Mackka said:
Again my sincere thanks to all those that have read and participated in this very controversial subject.
I thinks it's time to reflect and not to go down the American Redneck path.
I respect all your comments and more importantly I respect every member on this forum no matter what colour, religion or ethnic persuasion. God Bless
Mods please lock it up.

No reason to lock it up.

It has been perfectly healthy discussion.
Well mine has been great and still going
Had breakfast in the park with a coupla hundred other proud aussies
Bacon ,eggs, sausage, toast and fruit for $2 thanks rotary and i must admit i ate $6 woth :)
Listened to the awards for citizens and events with family and friends.

Come home and the wife and boy had a nap while i did a few jobs.

Then we swam in our bogan pool 8ft round by 3ft . It was $45 bucks with a pump filter from funnings , i set it up at xmas in the single garage and last week i got a fountain submersible pump i had in stock and run a 30 meter garden hose out onto the zinc roof and back into the pool :Y:
switch it on of a morning and the roof heat gets the pool up to a barmy 25 degrees :Y: and just to push the bogan factor up we had the air compressor trickling into it giving a spa effect ]:D with our 80s aussie rock playing we had full serinity.

Just waiting for 5pm now so we can head upto the local pub for a free sausage sizzle and schooner.

This is the lucky country :D

If only i could fit in a quick detect :( i could die happy man :D
Oh madtuna, You have just said 'The Truth' about an Aboriginal in todays Society. :Y: .. That is Exactly what they are up against in this Country called Australia... And People wonder WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM?.... mt has just said it....
We needed 2 Labourers when we worked at Tindal Air Force Base.(1986)... Went to the pub at Kathrine and asked quite a few Aussies if they want a job. No one wanted one.. Long story short,.. Ended up with 2 of the best Aboriginal workers you could ever hope for... They really appreciated the fact that Someone gave them a go... We were warned not to employ them, but we did.... They stayed with us for the next 2yrs and one even moved to the Gold Coast to work with me in Construction.... And he is still employed in the Construction Industry today as a Steel Fixer...

Imagine if what mt said, happened to an Aussie....
