Knocked of work today and walked past the pile of materials stored up for the build and decided I should stop thinking about it and start building it. I had started on a smaller one but the neighbour down the road was getting rid of one of the old school tables so I decided to up the ante a bit size wise and build one to last. I'm sure the welds would make an engineer weep tears of sorrow but it's solid enough for me and what I intend to do with it, hopefully daylight might help me out. Got it to spin which wasn't a bad effort in the three hours I spent on it, prob if I wasn't engineering on the fly it might have taken less. Still a way to go, needs handle, hopper, mesh, and collection point so I could be up for more than a few hours yet, but I feel better it's not just a pile of stuff, it's progressed to a project. Couple of progressive pics.