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Jan 12, 2014
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I was reading GDAs thread and remembered I had wanted to get up a photo of the letter the VicPol guys send out after the 90 days is up. I've edited my details, and not every letter is the same depending on the station sending it out but the copy below is more or less what the larger stations will send you to your home address.

Funny thing is I never actually picked these two rings up, but I'll get some pics up of a couple of rings of a better order that went through the system and returned.

Sometimes if the rings are damaged or super old they won't do the paperwork. If you intend to dispose of them I suggest you take a photo of the ring with a time stamp at the station clearly showing some features of the surrounds and record the officers name. I usually send an MMS to myself when this happens. That way the ring the date the time and the name are all held by me on a digital record if complications occur down the track. (Not that it has yet)

Like the butterfly ring described here sometimes I take it to a jewelry shop for a rework, amazing what they can do for a reasonable cost if you can find a jeweler willing.

Here's the letter, pretty standard stuff.

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