I'm loving the new software. Patch can definitely allow the use of Normal where you'd previously be swamped with moans and groans.
I'm seeing an immediate benefit in the currently very wet ground. There is a slight increase in threshold jitter, so you want to use this with conservative levels of Sensitivity and Volume. Also, Low Smoothing is the go whenever using Patch in my experience, unless your Sensitivity is below 6 (EMI/spheric noise will differ in different locations).
Got this bit using Normal, General, Patch and Semi-Auto, Sens 8, Volume 10
And I don't know whether it's the wet ground or something else, but running Semi-Auto together with High Yield and Difficult, I have pulled a lot of small targets at depth in two spots which are both pretty worked out. After digging two bits of lead and a squashed bit of brass, I knew I'd soon hit gold. Got these two bits at very good depth.
Thank you Minelab for continuing to develop the Zeeeeee
Now, to see what I can squeeze out with the Z19.....