I've always been a fan of decent quality airbeds. They take up little space.
And I keep a new unboxed single one for emergency back up.
Some like it hard, some soft! :lol:
But I'm getting soft! :argh:
I just bought a queen foam mattress from fantastic for a about $135 on special. 150mm/6" thick!
I've cut it up the guts to make 2 at 750mm wide strips.
Went to spotlight and bought some awning/blind canvas. Water resistant light weight, dust proof.
1500mm wide.
The top layer of canvas will be one sheet wide 1500mm.
The underside layer of the cover will have 2 pockets sleeves, one for each peice of mattress.
That has an inverted "V" joint , this will allow for the mattress to be folded from side to side like a hinge.
Without separating between during use.
Cutting down the overall width to 750W x300mm H.
But like two pillow slips joined together.
Velcro at base to remove mattress for serious cleaning.
And Velcro side tabs to help keep folded.
Will fit in my Big Daddy, and gazebo tent.
And easily on roof cage.
They come with a zippered protector sheet.
Will just bag in it when on the roof cage.
Thanx mum for the sewing