$1748 Au
The Aussie dollar closed lastnight for the weekend around $73:50c and with some way to fall (I hope

and believe) continuing to push the price of Gold up.
The Aussie dollar has fallen over 4c in less than 2 week's which the Reserve Bank wanted and made happen as much as it could.
Don't forget that our economy is mostly based on Iron Ore and Coal,a resource based economy.
With the continuing weak figures coming out of the US and Europe the news for Gold is

I honestly reckon it is still "cheap" and worth buying if you have a few lazy $$$ laying around.
Another interest rate cut in August as a real possibility they say weakening the Aussie dollar even further
That reminds me of my crede that I need to reinstall here (hence my forum name) taken from "Derek" in the windy city - Chicago.
# C ash is
KING (just for practical daily living today)
# G old is
# S ilver is
Good luck to all forum members who are fortunate enough to be hunting for Gold today,I wish you Gods speed and good luck..
Note - the opinions and statements above are mine and are not for financial advice,just saying.