That's it... It is not Fossicking or Prospecting under the Law... and.. a bit of Practical Experience MikeB05... Found a nice Gold Chain at Broadbeach a long time ago and was told by another operator who saw me digging something up that if I think it's valuable, to Declare my find to the Cops... So after 28 days or so , I had a call to come and collect my Gold Chain... Sold next day for $$$$ :lol: :Y:
They tried to stop it but have given up over the years....Council im talking about, not State Gov. No Law applies... By Declaring your finds you have covered your butt as far as the Law is concerned... and 9 times out of 10 after 28 days (I think it still is) the goodies are yours... Legally.

.. now most finds are not declared... those who choose not to declare run the risk of being charged by police for Receiving Stolen Goods, If it ever turns to crap

Finders Keepers, not on your life in QLD No such law.... It has happened before... especially if the Original owner reports his loss to the Police first.. :/ :N:
A couple of years ago we had a fellow dressed in a council shirt telling Detector operators to leave the area or you will be Prosecuted... He would follow you to your car, making sure you go. Looked very Official.... ... Then a quick shirt change, grab his Detector and away He went, Detecting right where you left off.... He got in big Poo for that one...
Gem in I... Its not NSW or VIC but..... There is a Sunken Spanish Galleon at Swan Bay on the southern tip of North Stradbroke Island... Went into the Bay for repairs after severe weather and was destroyed by more bad weather.... Local Aborigines know all about this... and so does the QLD Museum... Finds so far include Buttons, decayed Pistols and a few other items.... There was a story on it in Gold, Gem and Treasure mag a few years ago.... :Y: