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Bit of the white stuff just up the hill in Gippsland this morning
Plus a few flurries throughout the day. Bloody cold.
Funny thing, got a new set of skis last year and have only used them twice. Due to lockdowns and bugger all snow on the mountains wont get to use them this year. A little bit more and I could have strapped them on in my own backyard.
Snowed up here ,too. Really hazardous driving in the dark with reduced visibility from the snow and strong winds .Copped it again on the way home this afternoon.Looks like another freezing night . Currently about 5 degrees .Quite possibly there will be black ice on the roads in the morning.
Bjay said:
Bit of the white stuff just up the hill in Gippsland this morning
Plus a few flurries throughout the day. Bloody cold.

I just made a plan of all the places that have the highest Snowfall in the UK so when winter comes I will be ready,

Last winter I bought a load of thermal longjohns and they made a mistake and I ended up with about a dozen pairs of them, When I bought the first lot I wore them straight out of the packet,,, Big Mistake, because at the end of the day when I took em off I was covered in black dye, :8 :8 :mad: :mad:

So yesterday I was about 6 pairs of them before I wear them this time :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the cold weather and I have enough gear to survive the worst places on the planet :perfect:

It's meant to be 38* on Friday, :cool:
Dave79 said:
:8 :skull: ]:D Coldest night ever in Tassie last night. -14 recorded in Liaweenie and snow almost to sea level. The other side of climate change.

Struth that's a bit chilly, what do you use to keep warm ?

I'm looking forward to heading up to Scotland when the Blizzards start and the Temps drop,

34*+ here today and it's meant to be 35+ tomorrow, Couple of days ago it was 37.8*

Tassie's weather is the closest you'll find in Aus to UK weather,

Check this out just south of you "The South Pole" It's -65*c and feels like -80*c, So it's no wonder you copped it last night :Y:
Jaros said:

I just checked that site again and it's -69*c with a 12mph wind at the South Pole and that drops the temp down to -91*c,( -91.9*c ) That's 5X colder the a home freezer, :eek: :skull: :skull:
I can't remember if I have posted this before but it might be worth saving and come in useful,

Seeing as some of you are getting sub zero temps If you type in your Ambient temp and the wind speed and will give you what the Temperature feels like OR Wind Chill factor,

It's quite surprizing how little wind can make it feel many times colder than what it actually is,
34* here with 31% humidity and a 10k breeze, The day time temp peak has not gone below 32* for over a week now and the indoor temp has been a constant 27.6*.... Lovely sticky weather :beer: :beer: :beer:
davent said:
Pretty much same as here, 11:46 pm and its about 25.3 feels like 28 they say, but I reckon more like 23, very nice.

Yeah Dave it's just about perfect, :perfect: Fridge is set to 0.5 and I got a little 12v fan moving the air about, :inlove: :playful: :playful:

Over the years here I have notice that when the summer weather is better than average Winter will have it's revenge some how, But I am all for that in a sick sort of way because the Snow and Ice keeps most of the idiots off the road and the crime rate goes down coz it's too cold to go out, Crazy as it is but It happens every time :Y:

The Mercury has just hit 35*, :inlove:
Jaros said:
Are you going out on the road RR? :)

Yeah, But Scotland has been on and off with travelling etc because they had another small outbreak, I have packed most of my gear so I can be ready to go in a couple of hours, :Y:


The only things I need to put in the van is the fridge and my Holdall with my cloths in, Other than that it's ready to hit the road.
The weather mob have just said that the Temp reached 34.6* here today but they also said that this is the first time since 1961 that the London temps have hit above 34* Six days in a row,

Now I can hear Thunder moving around which means a storm is coming,

As I said yesterday you can bet the Winter is going to hit hard after having Temperatures like this, :Y: :perfect: :trophy:

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