Hi guys, A footnote to the above shot. The image was shot in Canon Raw format and Adobe RGB colour space. While the "as shot" image was quite nice there were a few aspects that required some minor attention in post processing with Adobe Lightroom. First up in Lightroom, the colour space was converted to Pro RGB 16 bit, a small amount of cropping was applied, the white balance was corrected slightly. The overall exposure was increased slightly, the over exposed highlights were reduced by a small amount so as to reveal the detail in the facets; no attempt was made to spot out the dust. Finally an appropriate amount of sharpening was applied ( not that the image was not sharp in the first place) sharpening to some degree is always applied to most digital images during post processing. To round out the shot the colours space was converted to sRGB for web presentation to exhibit the stones true colours on most computer monitors, the image was exported as a JPEG file 2000 pixels wide to display on the PA forum. There you have the full story, hope this has not confused everyone too much; the take-away message is to strive for the best possible image "in camera" and the finer details polished in post processing. Cruising the web looking at youtube videos etal; pro jewellery photographers for the most part use appropriate adjustments in post processing, being very careful not to over state the subject they are photographing
Cheers, SinHof.