Tassie Daz said:
boom boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AG BTW, will you please repost so that the ML fanatics can see that the ATX actually does find subbies, PLEASE. Ah! but you're not a ATX reseller in disquise I hope, because then they wont believe you anyway!!!!!!!! TD [They're a cynical mob!]
I don't think even my wife believed me from the start.
She thought I bought them on ebay...
Machine is not a problem,junk is.
After digging 150 holes in 4 hours,all potential targets and finding nothing but ammo you kinda don't wanna dig no more.
And every one of those gold bits had junk on the top of them from bottle caps to nails,you name it.
After junk has been removed,I heard something else and there it was,every time..
I don't want to get involved with ML mob.Couldn't care less.I am in this for fun of it and with ATX you get plenty of it.
And for ML crowd I got this to say " don't go out in the rain"...