Hi All,
Just need to clarify my motives here as I want to be as up-front with you all as I can be.
I am writing this App for profit. I am currently unemployed and need to make a living.
I have offered the App to the members of this forum in return for their assistance with its development by providing me with a set of requirements / ideas for the App.
It will be available for sale on the Apple App Store and Google Play store for anyone else to purchase.
My original idea for the app sprang from an incident where we lost one of our fossicking group out in the bush. We managed to find him after a few hours safe and well by driving around and using the horns on our cars and UHF radios to stay in touch. He was able to walk to the sound of the car horns and find the group.
I am trying a similar strategy using the capabilities of the mobile devices we all carry. I want to use all the sensors on the mobile devices to enable us to find lost group members. i.e. GPS, Accelerometer, Camera, Video, SMS, Phone, Bluetooth, WiFi.
As we cant always rely on having a telephone signal out in the bush I want to use the devices we all carry to setup a WAN (Wide Area Network) with each of our devices acting like a mobile phone tower or server. In that way we will all cover more ground in the search for the lost person by combining the radius of our devices signal range which unfortunately is limited to about 70 metres by themselves but with 3 people thats potentially 210 metres, 5 and its nearly half a kilometre, the more in people in the group the better the chances of finding someone. When their mobile device comes within range of our devices we will be able to get them help from the group or guide them back to the group.
If the device still has a telephone signal or gets one at some point then there will be an option to declare an emergency and it will act like a beacon to bring emergency services to the area by sending out its GPS co-ordinates to them. At regular intervals it will send out predefined SMS messages to your predefined mobile phone numbers and dial the emergency services and advise them of your location. This is only for when someone is hurt and cant dial the emergency services themselves all they will have to do is hit a large red button and the device will call for help a bit like the SPOT device.
Its not intended to be a complete solution as nothing is ever certain and many things can cause these sorts of connections to fail and the range is limited. But I see this as just another tool to aid people from getting lost out in the bush.
I hope this clarifies my intentions with this App.
Just need to clarify my motives here as I want to be as up-front with you all as I can be.
I am writing this App for profit. I am currently unemployed and need to make a living.
I have offered the App to the members of this forum in return for their assistance with its development by providing me with a set of requirements / ideas for the App.
It will be available for sale on the Apple App Store and Google Play store for anyone else to purchase.
My original idea for the app sprang from an incident where we lost one of our fossicking group out in the bush. We managed to find him after a few hours safe and well by driving around and using the horns on our cars and UHF radios to stay in touch. He was able to walk to the sound of the car horns and find the group.
I am trying a similar strategy using the capabilities of the mobile devices we all carry. I want to use all the sensors on the mobile devices to enable us to find lost group members. i.e. GPS, Accelerometer, Camera, Video, SMS, Phone, Bluetooth, WiFi.
As we cant always rely on having a telephone signal out in the bush I want to use the devices we all carry to setup a WAN (Wide Area Network) with each of our devices acting like a mobile phone tower or server. In that way we will all cover more ground in the search for the lost person by combining the radius of our devices signal range which unfortunately is limited to about 70 metres by themselves but with 3 people thats potentially 210 metres, 5 and its nearly half a kilometre, the more in people in the group the better the chances of finding someone. When their mobile device comes within range of our devices we will be able to get them help from the group or guide them back to the group.

If the device still has a telephone signal or gets one at some point then there will be an option to declare an emergency and it will act like a beacon to bring emergency services to the area by sending out its GPS co-ordinates to them. At regular intervals it will send out predefined SMS messages to your predefined mobile phone numbers and dial the emergency services and advise them of your location. This is only for when someone is hurt and cant dial the emergency services themselves all they will have to do is hit a large red button and the device will call for help a bit like the SPOT device.
Its not intended to be a complete solution as nothing is ever certain and many things can cause these sorts of connections to fail and the range is limited. But I see this as just another tool to aid people from getting lost out in the bush.
I hope this clarifies my intentions with this App.