Dave's Office
Have Detector Will Travel
Righty O Then, just some observations and conclusions from a an old fisherman from Kangaroo Island that took up gold detecting a couple of years ago after years of badgering from my brother from Western Australia. I thought "Gold Digging" would be as boring as bat **** but he said "just think how excited you were when you caught your first big Snapper, well it's heaps more exciting than that.He talked me in to going over to the Lannacoorie Bash with him, he paid of course, and I hired an old Whites detector from "Edd Sherrin" AKA Dean from Dunnolly. I can't remember what day it was but I found a tiny piece of gold in Nuggety Gully, well as they say the rest is history. The only downside to this new obsession is that I've only been able to go three times because of our new found Companion ]
and our Premiers, anyway if anyone is interested I think finding gold is not unlike finding fish, you need to be on the right bottom for what you're looking for, the fish are here for a reason, you need the right technology to find them and you have to have the patience and put in the time or you would be better off doing something else. That's my 2 bobs worth, now it's time for a beer :beer: Cheers and a Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all.