fisher f75 ltd adventures

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Sep 7, 2014
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Looks like a boot or belt buckle. And a 1941 florin. Just getting the hang of this machine. Much deeper than the 'at gold'. Learning fast second time out. So far its a greater beast. Im going over previous sites to sound in on deeper targets
Its always a confidence boosr finding a florin. Or a moral booster whichever fits better lol
Still looking for the real treasur e silver. Havent come across it yet.
todays hunt a spot a thrashed with the garret at gold. Came up with more musket balls, winchester shutgun rounds, some other lead bullets and some old copper nails
anyone know the age of these nails?

looks like an old hunting spot
these targets were quite deep 9-12 inches.
Sandta said:
Gee , it seems that everyone is finding florins ;)
Well ... Nearly everyone :lol:

Ok , ill dtop it now :rolleyes:

That cow may have more milk left lol

Nice finds :)
I was told around 35 odd years ago that the diamond head nails(square nails) were around 100 years old,.... they really did drive square nails into round holes(when they drilled them) in the old days.
Out of the same hole those nails came out there were more but couldn't bothered was knackered. Need to get a pinpointer to make things easier
Before I had a pinpointer I used to lie the detector coil sideways next to the hole and wave the soil next to the coil as I removed it from the hole to help retreive the targets as fast as I could TM.
Yeah? Ive been doing that. But its still a mission. I need to point to it for a quicker retrieve
Yeah,... nothing like a pinpointer to speed up the process of retreival,.... then the finds happen faster and faster and the pointing and finding get quicker and then you end up doing more squats and kneeling per day,... so a little bit fitter in the end as well. As long as it's not all washed down with too much Alco in celebration(hang on, that's me) as that offsets the fitness gains.
Im saving up for one. With any luck a ddcent second hand one.
today went back to an old spot with the f75. Another florin 1947, a military engineering badge ww2, and an old iron peg. Im thinking its ww2 era due to its design. What do you guys think? Im surprised no rust in the 70 years its been there in salty sand. Must have preserved it.

after a quick clean soapy water

Looks like a modern deck spike, amongst the normal uses they are used by surveyors when traversing from a known benchmark to a new area.

Nice badge and florin. :cool:
Maybe someone had a string line setup to do a bit of hunting and searching for relics,.... They missed some good ones though if that was what they were up too. Mrs silver recons that's a big one.
You reckon its a new peg? It was roughly 4 inches under. In dense bush. Im thinking its an old peg look at both tips for design and to me looks quite old. Just preserved in ideal conditions. The style looks pre 1950 to me. And some corrossion on the surface but maybe im far off the mark.
also what do you think of leaving the patina on the coins?

Btw the badge was about 12 inches deep!!
The same mechanically pressed manufacturing technique is still used today for making deck spikes so it would be hard to differentiate age.

The lack of degradation is encouraging if it is a WW2 era engineering corps artifact and might be an indication of some well preserved finds in the future.

Good luck on your next trip.

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