Today I managed to try out my detector for the first time. I picked up a near new Garrett Ace 350 a few days ago. So I visited one of the local school ovals. The oval is an extra field over the road from the main school and is also used by people walking dogs and bike riders. It's in pretty poor condition so it was also a chance to practice cutting plugs and popping out coins.
I managed to dig plenty of aluminum cans and ring pulls, I still need to fine tune the discrimination function to avoid digging kilos of the stuff, although less bits of metal to find next time . I managed to pull out just over $5 ($2x2, $1x1, 20c, 10c, 5c and a couple of 1c pieces) and even managed to pop a $2 coin out using a screwdriver. I still need alot more practice, especially with pinpointing, before hitting the better manicured parks. I also had a target that was reading very high so dug it up to see what it was. Managed to find what appears to be an old lead shot putt. An enjoyable afternoon wandering around only a small section of the field, so I'm sure there's still alot more to find there.
I managed to dig plenty of aluminum cans and ring pulls, I still need to fine tune the discrimination function to avoid digging kilos of the stuff, although less bits of metal to find next time . I managed to pull out just over $5 ($2x2, $1x1, 20c, 10c, 5c and a couple of 1c pieces) and even managed to pop a $2 coin out using a screwdriver. I still need alot more practice, especially with pinpointing, before hitting the better manicured parks. I also had a target that was reading very high so dug it up to see what it was. Managed to find what appears to be an old lead shot putt. An enjoyable afternoon wandering around only a small section of the field, so I'm sure there's still alot more to find there.