First swing for a detector newbie.

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Jul 7, 2015
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So I decided to splurged on a brand new detector over the weekend($62 on eBay) and to my suprise it was delivered this morning, only took two days and free delivery.
When I got home in the afternoon and found it waiting for me , I decided to put it together and have bit of a sweep out the back yard flower bed, to see how it worked.
This is what I found after a short 30 minutes before it got dark.

ONLY need another $61.95 in coins an it will have paid for its self ..bahahahaha
I actually dug up a lot of bottle caps cans a long piece of iron strapping and a few ring pulls all when in the garbage.
The two coins were the easier finds just under the grass every thing else required I dig !
Look at it this was way, that's 40x improvement on what you made on your first outing, so starting to make some headway on paying off the detector. Next time hopefully you start to latch onto some of those really useful $2 coins, they really add up in a short amount of time. ;)
It looks very similar if not the same as your Dinky toy, as above .
I cleaned underneath but I need a magnifying glass to read the lettering.
I can see that it is undercoated in white and the top coat was olive green .
Oh and the turret swivels too..

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