Explosive technology flaws - 'Smart' phones

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Mods want to tell me why my post was removed?
While a picture of a bomb victim gets to stay on a "Family Friendly" site?
Just following rules Cobber. ;)
I have done that to keep it as it is. :) :)
P.S. My mistake and I am sorry, I did mean to remove it but forgot.
I am Human you know. :lol: :lol: :cool:
Better explain a few things.
If any comments are perceived as a direct attack, They are removed.
I can see why you got upset LC76 and I could see Atom getting a little peeved so I removed both sides of the
sabre rattling comments.
In my Tech articles that I am constantly being sent for review, The warnings about unstable LiPo batteries are spelt out in Caps Lock.
They do have the capacity to suddenly burst into flame setting the surrounds up for a fire.
Any Battery can do it just these excel in that regard in a lot faster and grander way.
Peace be to you all. :D
I spent nearly an hour, putting together a nice, informative, technical reply...............
Hit "post reply" and all gone............... lol
Anyway, I'll send my post to your dreams!!
I put up a short reply and it was quickly deleted???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Not even a pm from the mods for why it was deleted????????????????
Can't see anything in our deleted posts folder from this end???? Will ask around in the morning if anything was edited before hitting the sack..
I did not remove any thing after post #39.
When I did the edit's, They were only a line or two.
I will admit there was one post removed and it still was a single line. :)
I have no idea. :rolleyes:
Tathradj said:
I did not remove any thing after post #39.
When I did the edit's, They were only a line or two.
I will admit there was one post removed and it still was a single line. :)
I have no idea. :rolleyes:
Metamorphics post was removed as well.
We are supposed to keep a backup copy in another part of this forum but they did not copy across.
I have just found out there were some major changes last night.
I am sorry that I offended any one but I did the right thing by one and all.
Bit of a hard job at times but please do not take offense on what was done. :D :D
All that was done was to keep the topic on track.
Heatho said:
Parks said:
AtomRat said:
Heatho said:
Few nasty ecig accidents reported too over the last couple of years.
Had no idea about that one! Must be too dense of a vapour in the chamber and enough to cause as internal fire..in your mouth..nice 8)
Thanks Heatho!

The ecigs aren't blowing up. Rather there's people overdosing on them.

Uh huh.


Wow I hadn't seen that.
Simmo said:
I spent nearly an hour, putting together a nice, informative, technical reply...............
Hit "post reply" and all gone............... lol
Anyway, I'll send my post to your dreams!!

The timeout function has caught me out a few times, it is frustrating. I now do a quick copy of the reply before pressing the page refresh button and then paste the reply and then press submit.
That time out function is annoying, I type reasonably slow at times & occasionally stop typing to look at something on TV or get up to do something like make a coffee etc, its got me a few times when I've written a post & hit submit only to have it disappear.
Would be good if there was a way to disable it. Have been going to copy & paste but normally hit the submit button without thinking.
The comment that I made and am not sure where it went, was; With world terrorism at the point it is, at the moment, do you think it's wise to talk about exploding mobiles in detail. Although a call to the terrorism hotline warning them of this would probably have a reply of, can you show us a working example.
When travelling the subcontinent those clear plastic lighters used to blow up on a regular basis, only had to look at them in a stern manner and they would exploded or drop them.
pp3 and coin in pocket.

Do not do it when riding a motor bike. Bit hard to get teh bast54rd out before getting burnt...

Under the right / wrong conditions; every thing will and can kill you.
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