Explosive technology flaws - 'Smart' phones

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May 22, 2014
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Katazone, VIC
As our devices become thinner and smaller, more rare and dangerous components or elemts are added. So don't be suprised if androids, ipads, smart phones and gps devices all get a recall in the future. Due to terrorism, ( please this is not a thread on terrorism so do not expand this comment ) and the current population having explosive devices in thier back pocket, I cannot see these devices being on market much longer, even without terrorism, they are completely unsafe devices and when the batteries especially short out, its a lot more catastophic than the old C battery short and pop. ( one of my uncles lost an ass-cheek to this in his younger days )

So be careful people. Your fancy phones are not what they seem and high temp, shock and piercing will detonate them. Even accidental slips, and I felt this should be shared for those who don't know about lithium polymer batts. There's a whole lot of youtube videis dedicated to destroying iphones to find flaws like these.
I sort of thought I could hear him lighting a firework. Also there's too much missing footage for me to believe that it was the phone battery exploding. Sorry AtomRat, I think it's just fake... and clickbait.
I'd believe a continuous shot in which we can see the actual phone (not the pants) explode.
Check out the other youtube vids mfdes. Its a fact I've known for a long time, especially when the batteries get 'puffy' n ready. There's another with a continuous shot when a bloke stabs one with a knife. A reaction like that in the sealed phone case would result in a bang. Bangs don't take much. Ill listen for the fuse though and see if I can pick it up
Hmmm..I'd hate to have put up a bogus video but my point of an exploding phone still sits whether this actual vid is plausible or not. The pocket has a light smoke smoulder coming from the top of the pocket which before the explosion, could be a banga or simply the phone shoting still. If I can get my hands on a free iphone ill give it a go and film it myself. Don't worry, my neighbours are used to bangs and fizzes. :)
don't try to call me on my mobile. I do not have one. every other person does.. telsra weeps... :/
Not just iphone, anything with lithium polymer ..ion type batteries can do the same. Even for RC car and Plane batteries which these hobbyists know the risks. Some people put thier phone onto the charger and within seconds it catches fire with potential to explode.
After recently talking to a chap who managed a few battery shops. My thoughts are; Most likely not the phone or machine. The batteries that people are using eventually run out of steam. With online shopping people are looking at cheaper prices and the replacement batteries are cheap crap. The manager bloke was saying that you can tell by weighing them.
What a load of *****.
Those batteries don't explode.
What they can do after being shorted, discharged too fast, or overcharged is thermal runaway.
They start to burn and burn very fast.

I have never seen or heard of them "exploding".
I agree though that they are dangerous if mistreated.
But I don't think they will be around much longer anyway with other technologies comming out like carbon carbon batteries for example.
And what's with the thumbnail picture in the video? Has absolutely nothing to do with the video and it's bloody graphic.
And I'm pretty sure it's from the Boston marathon attack.
Surround fire with a sealed case and you have an explosion in certain circumstances imo. Would you stab a puffy battery?

Light fuse paper and it will sizzle slowly. Roll it up and put it in a sealed container, it goes bang.
With the current situation of terrorism it's probably not the best time to discuss.
Its not about that. Its about the safety of everyone with a mobile phone next to thier face and that there's a chance that one time, it could blow up. Just a warning thread. My comment about 'that' subject was to prevent it being discussed in any comments as it has the chance for someone to mention it.
Heatho said:
Few nasty ecig accidents reported too over the last couple of years.
Had no idea about that one! Must be too dense of a vapour in the chamber and enough to cause as internal fire..in your mouth..nice 8)
Thanks Heatho!
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