Expensive purchase

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Chinese version 7000, as recommened by...ebay seller "stingray face"

Another day of my life wasted. I was about to head out into the scrub looking for a brand new 7000 in a tree somewhere :lol:
Can we get a postcript Thedigger with just a few details? I had trouble sleeping last night worrying about this :lol: Geeez,I gotta get a life :(
Yep, one part of no longer being young i don't miss is trying to save a deposit to buy that first home. I feel for all you young blokes out there trying to raise a family and buy a home.
Yep, a bit like the day after a big party kawman. You think you may have had fun but you can't really remember. I suppose we'll never really know what this post was all about. 8.( Have a great weekend all. :p
You will find them for sale on notice boards in caravan parks, telephone number and price.

Regards The Digger

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